Vincent Garvey

In 1981 I had the MANIAC ST on vinyl, as well as t-shirt (!). 35 years ago, and I have yet to kill anybody.

Most of these picks are contemporary. I'm old enough to remember hearing Led Zeppelin's Kashmir and Blue Oyster Cult's (Don't Fear) the Reaper for the first time as a teen and playing them dozens of times in the following weeks.

I don't know if it's commercially available, but the Director's cut of Woo's first Hollywood project, HARD TARGET, is a true Woo film. But that's before Universal eviscerated it.

A pissed-off, hungover monster is even scarier than a sober one.

Amazed that no one as yet has mentioned Verhoeven's masterpiece, THE FOURTH MAN. Maybe because a decent DVD/Bluray doesn't seem to exist in this country? The camerawork in that dream-vs.-reality black comedy/ thriller is terrific and the movie deserves a theatrical re-release. A double-bill with this movie would be

I'm amazed that there doesn't even seem to be a decent DVD/Bluray of his dream-vs.-reality black comedy masterpiece The Fourth Man, which I haven't seen in decades.

The split between an artist's work and their personal life is the most relevant when the latter involves criminal activity. I definitely dislike Gibson personally due to his past behavior but that wouldn't stop me from seeing this on its own merits. It's OK to acknowledge that certain celebrities (and I'd include

There's been speculation that a devastating cyber attack is imminent but I think that's a crock of sh

Casting Cox as Frank is so wrong-headed that the only way to make it true to the spirit of the original ROCKY HORROR would be to put her in male drag (as Francine-Furter, maybe) and having her create Wonder Woman. And even that is problematic.

That I had the soundtrack to this movie on CASSETTE TAPE makes me wish that I really were a vampire. The movie still works on an adolescent level but is so tame I can't believe it got a R rating (the PG-13 had been introduced 3 years earlier). The movie's brief flirtation with homo-eroticism is so timid it's

Funny how Trump wasn't whining that the election was rigged against him when he was doing better in the polls…

I wonder if they'll slip a "Paranoid Android" reference in a future episode..

I'll need to check now— hopefully #GrabEmByThePussy is trending by now.

I'm waiting for someone to put Trump's head on a tentacle-porn Anime demon.

Hey, at least Race Bannon was cool, he never gave a shit that Jonny and Hadji were always sleeping together.

"The most impressively shot episode of PLANET EARTH ever, but narrated by a stoned philosophy student." Sold!

Oh shit this looks even more heartbreaking than the same Director's HACHI, which reduced me to a quivering puddle of goo. Coming in January, no less. I'll pass.

I'm about to perfect my device that records dreams, but first I have to watch a double feature of Laserblast and The Manitou.

Nice! I'm adding it to my shopping list. Thanks for posting!

I remember buying my first— and last— pair of black leather pants after seeing this in the theater. While I actually consider the movie itself to be stylish and underrated, despite Lee's on-set death, there's no question that Mr. O'Neal really knows his shit.