Vincent Garvey

Not surprised that Eastwood supports Trump, since they co-starred in those "Any Which Way" movies.

As someone who rarely leaves the house without taking the complete scores of John Carpenter and tons of Tangerine Dream, Goblin, Vangelis, Moroder, Jan Hammer and their ilk, I feel like I just fell down some retro-80s rabbit hole. Thanks for providing an upgrade to my ambient-synth personal score. At least now I know

Dazed and Confused is an instant classic, and Everybody Wants Some!! is a perfect companion piece, time-capsule recreations of a period in history both simpler and happier than today's bombardment of constant electronic/digital overstimulation. And yet simply reading this thread makes me want to immediately throw on

I remember at about the time this movie came out getting high with friends in the secret bomb shelter located under our high school's football field (Didn't YOUR high school have one?) and wondering whether we'd soon be there for the real deal.

Great, yet another re-make of a Carpenter film that they're going to fuck up. Next: a PG-13 ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK with Colin Farrel.

Jack Cross needs to destroy that Berziers cross so Donald Trump will burn up in the sunlight.

HBO didn't re-air THE SOPRANOS until shortly after James Gandofini's death, and now by some bizarre coincidence LARRY SANDERS is coming back now that Gary Shandling is gone. I hope we don't have to wait for Brian Benben to die before they bring back DREAM ON.

I'm not a couch potato, but since I upgraded to a big, widescreen hi-def Led TV, I've been thinking: Fuck! Why can't I just hit the fucking lottery and have the time to SEE all this high quality programming?

Forgot about "Neverland", that's right! Now all we need is "This Corrosion" to make it a SOM trilogy! Thanks for your expertise.

Two songs by New Order this season and tonight we get the Sisters of Mercy. Someone sure loves the 80s!

I dig the Rock as much as the next guy— wait, that's got two meanings— shit, THREE—but Dwayne Johnson is ALL WRONG as Jack Burton. The original is largely a comedy, and Burton is a macho, swaggering buffoon, a klutz— the opposite of the Rock's persona. And Carpenter's score alone couldn't be matched, one reason all of

What percent of viewers would even get the Tangerine Dream reference— outside of A/V Club posters, that is?

The movie is a comedic milestone, though.

I could have seen the movie again in the time it took to read this

On second thought, it sounds more like a Robot Chicken mash-up..

Here's a movie pitch: Terrorists demand that Seth Rogan and James Franco be delivered over to North Korea, or (insert Big Bad here).

OK, two more: Danny Devito

Two words: Dennis Franz

Don't be surprised if the B-52s song is performed by the seasons end…