Vincent Garvey

That was one Spicey meatball!
That's why I love the A/V club; if only I could report stories as eloquently as O'Neal does here, I'd be constantly bouncing off the walls in delirious glee.

Finally caught the finale, and thanks for writing a review that does it full justice. The use of the show's haunting, poignant theme in the finale was perfectly placed to wreck the viewer on a scale I've seldom encountered. A fitting end to a series about a mystery- Life — that has no simple answer.

Bearing in mind that this is a satirical site and I don't practice or promote actual violence… it would probably be fun to kill a bunch of Sandy Hook "truthers" and then claim no crime was committed, because they never actually existed to begin with.

I'm old enough to have seen Zeppelin, Queen, Bowie, Talking Heads, Ramones, Prince, the Smiths and others in their late 70s/ 80s heyday. Usually this involved piling into Madison Square Garden, which turned into a huge incubator of green pot smoke, then taking the last train home out of Grand Central Terminal, the

Seriously, Glenn Howerton will be M.I.A next season?! GodDAMMIT!!

What, no (Don't Fear) the Reaper?

I love that THEY LIVE memes are suddenly everywhere in this Trumpocalypse. I somehow knew that if I lived long enough this country would turn into something out of a John Carpenter movie.

Didn't realize that; thanks for the clarification.

It wasn't until this tour that I realized that Coldplay totally stole their hit TALK from Kraftwerk's COMPUTER LOVE.

This is probably not a popular opinion but my favorite Cure album is the 74 minute, 1990 re-mix CD Mixed Up. And yes, I know the originals.

This movie epitomizes the dark underbelly of 80s greed and materialism. Saw it in the theater six months before the equally cynical genre-blender MIRACLE MILE, which starts off as a cheesy 80s romance then shifts into ultra-black comedy a la AFTER HOURS before ending as a harrowing apocalyptic thriller. Hopefully

I'm probably one of the only humans on this planet that has the dubious honor of having paid to see ECKS VS. SEVER. Don't even ask how that happened.

I'd prefer it be Doritos as I wouldn't want to end up BEING a new season of X Files.

An X-ray for knee pain revealed that I have a triangular metallic chip in my knee and I have no idea how it got there. No shit.

I own the soundtrack but haven't seen the movie in decades. Might have to check out that Blu-Ray.

Also, the under-rated Miracle Mile.

Not many caught this one, but the 1995 Dean Koontz horror movie HIDEAWAY ends with Jeff Goldblum playing a movie trivia game!

Kellyanne is actually right about the sinister applications of electronics. Being a Cylon herself, she should know. Heard she just claimed that your phone is down-loading your DNA to harvest for a lethal clone army.

So, now Alt-right crazies are trying to claim THIS movie as their own? "You gotta be fucking kidding me."

No, actually Jay Chattaway's score has a lot of PHANTASM and HALLOWEEN-like motifs. Check it out again.