
"that you need to find a meaning in something…anything to make you feel important."

Was there a single "fact" in the film to refute?

If his gigantic issue with this series is the casting of Diane's voice…then Diane's family I can only imagine would make things much, much, worse

Diane is never re-cast from Alison Brie to an Asian-American Voice Actress, so it sounds like if that's a giantic sticking point for you then you're never going to be able to enjoy this show, my apologies.

I am both looking forward to the new season and dreading it in equal measure…

I walk around a mall at lunch every day to hatch eggs, gear up at stops, and catch pokemon and I don't experience what you're describing at all.

All the "Teens" in my area are Valor - there's red gyms all over the place. I picked Mystic because they're the underdogs around these parts. Underdogs who still have some presence. There's practically no instinct around here. I'm pretty sure Instict are booger-eaters.

How big is your lawn? There's an area of effect wherein you can capture things, and it's very generous, like the size of buildings generous. It was specifically designed in this way so you don't have to go into businesses and such to catch things.

I listened to all of tRSS and really loved it.

You're joking right? Were you participating on this site when the "worst trailer ever" was released?

I bet Mike Pence has some really interesting thoughts on the new Ghostbuster movie…

How is Modern Family still getting nominated for Best Comedy Series?

I totally get what you're saying, I think that Hamilton has been able to penetrate the zeitgeist so resoundingly because of the soundtrack itself. People can't see it, but they can listen to it. And they do, over and over and over again.

Tickets are so hard to get that you can't see it, plus the nature of live theater as opposed to broadcast mediums necessarily make live viewing a scare opportunity.

I loved king of kong and would watch the hell out of this.

I'll do both, I think stuff like this is fascinating. I can pick up on stuff here and there, but my depth of knowledge of hip-hop is relatively shallow. It has to be pretty obvious for me to pick up on it.

Well, he said the stock was the product.

Erlich Bachman? This is your mom, you are not my baby.

"Charming" from a "loveable losers" standpoint.

Wait, Is Mr. T Dead?