
"Charlie Work" was beautiful.

I binged through all of the episodes of The Reality Show Show and loved every second.

I'm almost the exact opposite. When he first wheeled it out I thought it was over the top, then I actually watched Trump speak and I was surprised at how accurate it was.

Do you all really live in a world where the only options are 80-hour work weeks or unemployment?

There was a re-boot of Cabin Fever? Why?

Then they didn't do a very good job of "breadwinning."

You win. I'm bored of this. Enjoy your whining about how the mean bloggers triggered you and violated your pop culture safe space. I hope your crusade for Political Correctness goes really well, we need to make sure that no conservative is ever offended again - they obviously can't handle it, the snowflakes they are.

PREDICTION: you won't be able to resist not getting in the last word,

I'll respond to what I please, and you'll dance like the triggered, whiny conservative you are. It's hilarious, sad, and predictable.

That's not what "Safe Space" is defined as. He was Triggered because the meaning blogger said something negative about politics he agrees with. He wouldn't have said a word if the blogger said something political he agrees with. He wants to silence all political speech so that he doesn't have to be subjected to

I tried, but I was too busy throwing a hissy fit any time any article mentioned the election to read all of them, it's a very energy-consuming process.

Right, you want the AV Club to be a safe space from political opinions that you disagree with. You want the contributors of this site to self-censor so that they don't say anything to offend your delicate sensibilities. This is the literal definition of "Political Correctness" that you claim to hate so much. This is

I read literally Exactly what you said. You complained that the AV Club site wasn't a Safe Space from political discussion for you. Then you mocked the concept of Safe Spaces. It was hilarious and ironic, and I accurately called you out on it.

You seem pretty angry to me, I've never seen someone react so viscerally to casually mentioning the outcome of an election in one or two of 30 TV Capsules.

You're the one on here bitching about how mentioning the election in a negative way triggered you.

How Ironic is it that the same people who fly the battle flag of a war loser from over 150 yrs ago are the ones yelling "You lost, get over it!" regarding an election from a month ago?

You felt the need to whine about it, and then angrily reply to me calling you out on your obvious contradiction.

It's funny that you're on here complaining about having to read things that make you upset, while still finding the need to mock the concept of "safe spaces."

His favorite foods are foods that can be consumed with one hand so he can still move, I say he prefers food "in stick form" - his favorite dinner in the world is bacon and green beans in a cup. So he can hold that cup in one hand and still move around while he eats.

Those are all really good. I'm not artistic enough to pull anything like that off, nor do I really have the time, but I'm kind of over reflexively hating everything where someone puts an effort into creating something even where I would personally find it a waste of time