
That was true for one of my children and not true for the other. My oldest will eat pretty much anything, he's 6 and his favorite food is salmon.

He's literally inventing his own classifications of award domination. "EGOT" is crazy enough, but "MacPEGOT?" - get out of here.

I loved at the end when they were eating cheese fries making casting couch jokes, and in the middle when Miranda randomly goes "I really want to order Dominos"

I kept waiting for him to "be" someone - Paul Revere or whatever.

SNL did a very funny sketch about a teacher using rap to connect to his students and them constantly calling him out on it the whole time - Miranda was the teacher in the sketch.

Haven't gotten through all the comments yet, so sorry…but I LOVED that "David" Grohl was not only in this, he didn't actually end up "being" anyone. He was just a dude, he wasn't like John Hancock or anything specific.

Yeah, I explored my love/hate relationship with MFM on here last week.

Someone, I think it's Ben, audibly breathes in while he's reading very often. Once I noticed it, I couldn't stop hearing it, and then I had to actively block it out of my mind, it would be like every 5 words.

To me, the "Chinese Whispers" revelation was enough to validate all live Dollops in perpetuity.

Hot Take: The Exorcist was a good movie, but it wasn't actually scary at all.

Is Ben the one who audibly breathes in…a lot?

Jolly Ranchers are great for when your Zima tastes too much like real alcohol.

I liked Mashers and Hatpins…a lot.

False, no one likes Candy Corn

Throw the banana in the street, gutter candy belongs in the gutter

Fun Dip

So, the addition of My Favorite Murder to my repertoire inevitably led to Last Podcast on the Left. I had gleaned from here that the Hosts' schtick can be off-putting, and that was really true for me at first…

I don't love chocolate as much as most, it seems. I'm a fruit-favored guy.

"whose internet history was dredged up for all to see?"

Member when no adult with a life knows or cares who James Rolfe is?