
I'm personally tired of the "if you ignore the problem it will go away" thing when it comes to these people, because it's clear that it won't. People need to be called out on their shit.

I honestly haven't seen Frozen, so take this for what it's worth…

I don't recall personally attacking you, it's not really my MO, but I'll gladly admit I was wrong if you could show me where I did.

Yes, your entire behavior and posting style don't exemplify anger at all, I stand corrected.

I was merely responding to someone touting his "relevance" and using it to make an "ate my balls joke."

Nobody knows if this movie is any good or not yet.

Words have meanings, you keep using words with meanings and then getting angry when called out on the meanings of said words.

Cool, now you've moved on to personal attacks. More behavior indicative of someone who simply isn't interested in seeing a movie based on it's trailer.

A video that wasn't meant for the public that he posted on youTube?

You've claimed to be not sexist literally infinite more times than anyone has called you sexist in this thread. Just sayin'

I thought we were discussing "relevancy?"

I answered the question perfectly. You were doing something called begging the question, you claimed something to be true that wasn't - "so, posting once on a website that I think a movie trailer looked crappy and there was no need for a movie" - I corrected you that you posted multiple times.

I'm going to posit that even a failed outing for this movie will result in orders of magnitude more money than the "angry video game nerd" has ever made off of youtube.

You've posted four times, your tone from the start was combative, you're cursing, and doing the ANGRY internet CAPS thing…

to be clear, your assertion here is that the "angry video game nerd" is more relevant than the new Ghostbusters movie…

Did your lack of desire to see Robocop manifest in such hatred and vitriol like you're showing now towards this Ghostbusters movie? Did you feel the need to constantly talk about it, or did you just not see the movie and not talk about it that much?


Guy who was part of the internet zeitgeist a decade ago and I honestly didn't know was still a thing is "relevant" now?

Wasn't a lot of that "classic charm" just you being 30 years younger?

I don't mean this as an insult, but I honestly think you're being naive. I just don't know if it's on purpose or not.