
They've remade and rebooted literally everything and continue to do so. Absolutely nothing has resulted in the eye-melting outrage as this movie has, it's not even close. To suggest that the gender of the cast doesn't have something to do with it for a large percentage of the outraged is, to me, an exercise in being

Did you know that her and Moshe Kasher are married? They might have mentioned it once or twice on HDTGM.

I kept wanting to say "Echidna" but I knew that wasn't right.

The part when Gary is just bubbling below the surface the whole ep and then finally explodes with "NOW, ITS NOW! THIS IS WHATS HAPPENING NOW! ITS NOW! ITS THE SAME THING NOW!" was amazing.

I kind of feel he was heading in that direction in the Crystal Kingdom arc when they were fighting that giant microscopic organism whose name I forget (the one where they didn't explode the red barrels"

There's plenty of room on the Justin Train, just sayin'…

My D&D group gave me a birthday shout out in that episode of TAZ! It seriously might have been the best thing that's ever happened to me, save for my wedding an the birth of my two children.

Big Head will find a way to aloof-ly fail his way out of the NDA issues.

All $36,000 ?

Also Big Head murdered it tonight as well, I heart him so much.

The scene with Laurie and the girl with the hair (although has anyone else noticed they've turned the hair down a peg this season) played by Amanda Crew was probably my favorite last night. Everything about Laurie's performance was spot on, down to the way she held her wine glass. I hope they keep giving Laurie new

I agree, I think they're completely different characters.

"You're gonna be replacing it."

You were the slacker generation until Millennials came around and really showed the world what "do absolutely nothing and contribute nothing ever to anything" really means!

I should have read the rest of the thread, I'm in the same boat as you…

What about those of us that are too young to be Gen-Xers but too old to be Millenials?

The only one of these that I remember, was a ten to one sketch with Louis CK and I think that blonde lady whose name I forget…And they were at a bar an it was last call…I don't even remember if it was funny, I just remember it being so weird that it's lasted with me ever since…

Holy hell, thank you for this recommendation. I listened to it last night and was completely blown away, I was exhausted by the end of it, like I had evoked all over the place…What a ride.

Disco Demolition Night was Ten Cent Beer Night-Levels of excellent, with the only caveat that after hearing TCBN, I was less suprised by what groups of humans can will themselves to do. Got me through a 4 mile run up a Utah Canyon and Back.