
head around the corner…

Millennials are kind of collectively coming to terms with the fact that they are aging, and as they start to crest that late-20s into early-30s phase of their lives, they're starting to last out at the notion of adulthood and family by dismissively labeling things "Dad _______ ," aren't they?

You are Andrew Jackson re-incarnated.

I took a *date* to go see The Butterly Effect when it came out in theaters, it was….an unfortunate choice for me.

It definitely was a summer re-run because I've heard it recently. I picked and chose my way through the back catalog, and didn't hit it the first time.

Fat Ghost!

So from that picture at the top…I have no idea what these guys look like in real life. Judging from voice alone, I couldn't tell you which one is Andrew, Steven, or Chris….

What about when they kept referring to Kevin James' character as "President [Fat guy food]" in the PIxels episode?

They better hope that Larry the Cable Guy doesn't offer them any Dick Beer.

I saw and loved The Wizard as a kid…and I loved every single second of this episode. I hadn't thought about that movie in 20 years, and just remembered so much of it as they plot the recap.

It's Krieger, I just assumed it was sexual. Their expressions mimicked those of "love dolls," to me…

Barry's about the violate the first law of robotics…

You contradicted yourself. You admitted that it's your decision to make, then follow that up with stating that Chuck making the decision for Jimmy was "kinder than the alternative."

What percentage of all of that money was criminally acquired from the state of Rhode Island?

The problem is that your entire premise is begging the question when you assert that it "doesn't have anything to do with them."

Yes! Those racist shop owners absolutely should be able to fire their civil-rights proponent workers!

Fun Fact: this is already legal for your employer to do. You're not being oppressed for being conservative, I promise.

Why would Ernie be loyal to Chuck though? What had Chuck ever done to earn that loyalty from him?

"Falling Victim to his charm" makes it seem predatory on Jimmy's part. He wasn't playing, conning, or trying to get anything out of Ernie. He was even surprised when Ernie lied for him.

It is dishonorable to lie to someone about their dying mother's last words. Tell them the truth and let them process the truth in whatever way they deem necessary, but at the end of the day that's their decision to make - it's not your decision to make for them.