
I purposefully never watched this movie because I thought I couldn't handle it. I don't think I ever knew the true ending until just now. I'm now even more confident in my decision to not watch it, I can't take that kind of stuff.

The opening scene of this week's episode? The one where he casts aside his newly deceased mother for the crime of calling out to his brother with her dying breath (like he did with Kim two eps before and Ernie later in this one), and then lying right to his face about her dying words?

If his reasons for hiding it weren't shady, then why did he do it?

It's just something that I've seen on here over and over and I don't quite follow. I personally don't need to be "surprised" to think that something is good. It's either good or it's not, if it's also surprising, that's a different thing.

Which was a lie too, since he's such a control freak that he handled everything himself. If there was such a vast array of paralegals and associates diligently working his case, they would have caught the transposition issue.

That we definitely agree on. Where we differ is that you think Chuck knows he has a mental health issue and refuses to seek help for it. I think that Chuck could never think he has a mental health issue because that would be a fault in his brain - the part of him that's literally perfect. He views himself as an

They don't hate each other - Jimmy doesn't hate Chuck.

Had sublty confirmed over and over again, and yet every week you had the contingent of Chuck defenders on here, even to this week…I can't help but think there's no small measure of projection going on (on both sides).

He went above and beyond to hide his "EMS Allergy" from them. Would they have retained HHM if they knew that their case would have been handled by lantern light in the competent hands of someone who is afraid of the outdoors?

He's not suffering from an EMS allergy because that's not a thing, but he's not "faking it" either. Faking it implies he is pretending to be afflicted by something, his EMS allergy is psychosomatic - he really feels it. It's just not caused by the thing he thinks it's caused by.

Was it trying to not be predictable? I predicted it and still loved the scene, and thought it was tense as hell, I just kept telling jimmy "shut up, shut up…"

It was definitely better than last season, but I really liked last season. It all depends on why you thought the first season wasn't worthwhile?

The reason we as an audience (and apparently not all of us) can give a "pass" to Jimmy's cons but are horrified by Chucks is due to the motivation behind the con, and the methods by which its successful.

Judgebot 3000 was a Mr. Show sketch, right?

Unless nacho has some teleportation ability that we are unaware of, there's now at he got from that house to the car sight unseen in 10 seconds…

I just don't really think she's that funny, to be honest. I think the "division" is that there are people genuinely don't like her because she's a lesbian, which is absurd. But, if you say you just don't like her as a comedian, you get lumped in with the bigots, which is annoying.

Have there been a lot of article claiming that her career is dwindling, though? The entire premise feels super straw-manie to me. It's arguing against a position that very few people seem to actually be taking?

I actually always liked those episodes.

It took me three tries to get through that one. I took the biggest chunk when I was doing a bunch of other things and had it on in the background.

I LOVED The Wizard as a kid, so I have a feeling that this week's ep is going to be conflicting for me. Difficulty: Haven't watched it in a long time…