

She kissed four different boys in the closing credits, including Zeke, JJ, and two redshirts.

The flag probably wouldn't be out on the weekend.

No, you seem to have not watched the last 5 minutes of the episode.

The Film students are Jimmy's Lone Gunmen

The contempt that three guys who do a bad movie podcast have for people who play dungeons and dragons was staggeringly ironic…

[whistles, hangs his hat]

"I've just seen plenty of conversations about how Lucas wasted all his time telling the backstory to his other movies instead of telling new stories."

In the final Mike stakeout scene at the warehouse, you can hear air wrenches after the truck backs in. I assume this is either a rip off that the contraband is in the tires or a coincidence…

I have an on again off again relationship with this show. They lost me after the prison, then people said it got good again so I watched the next season and really enjoyed it. Then the following season (Which I think was 5? Two seasons ago?) There was an episode where they spent the entire hour walking down the

I wish I believed in anything as strongly as Gene believed in the existence of that two-butted goat.

He may not be a Sugar Daddy, but he's a Daddy, Sugar.

My birthday is coming up and I also like holsters.

I literally threw two fists I think he air when I saw that two butted goat. I might have almost cried. Yeah it's 1AM on the east coast an I'm a little drunk after a long weekend…wanna play NARTS?

He could have been cast as a Nazi after looking at the Ark of the Covenants…

It's a question of scope. Fundamentalist Christians exist at every level of our government, Federal, State, and Local. They are well funded, mobilized, and powerful, and work tirelessly to oppress others and legislate their religion on everyone.

I can't speak for all relationships, but my relationship is very reflective on the surface to those scenes. When my wife is mad and pacing across the room venting about (anything), she literally just wants me to be the conduit through which she vents. She doesn't particularly care for my opinion and she *certainly*

A very important part of being president is acting as head of state. Diplomacy and interacting with other heads of state would be very challenging for a person who is hated by literally everyone who meets them.

I liked the last one "I found a sword that was un the price range, but went with a comb instead because reasons."

I audibly yelped in my car when I opened by podcat app and saw the title…