
Hodgeman was such a natural fit with the Peaches it was outstanding, when he was recounting teenaged Stuart's indignation at the anatomical incorrectness of Mortal Kombat Fatalities, I lost it.

So it's like "Burning Love" for Rich People House shows? I'm inter…oh, it's on SeeSo? That's unfortunate - I wish them the best of luck and hope it ends up on one of NBCUs TV Channels some day so I can watch it.

This is my inclination about the $14k as well.

Didn't the "you're not a real lawyer because you did it through correspondance school and you will never be the same as me" conversation happen pretty early in S1, or am I misremembering? It certainly happened early in his career, because he told him the day he passed the bar.

I don't think anyone's trying to "blame Chuck entirely" for anything. If that's what you got from my original post, I apologize as that was not my intent.

I suppose we shall see…but I've come to learn that when someone is viewed by someone else as the "literal personification of good" by their namesake, that view rarely ends up being the case.

This is what I mean by the self-reinforcing bias, though. Jimmy was working hard and wasn't cutting corners when he was in the mail room. He, from everything we know was doing great at his job, *and* was also taking law classes, *and* passed the bar. He did everything the right way, and when he told his brother the

I understood it to be that Jimmy was basically awarded his position as compensation for creating the entire Sandpiper case. It would be like when some Tech company acquires a start-up and then makes the owner of that start-up the CTO.

As good as BB/BCS is at showing the multi-facets of characters, and how no one (for the most part) is ever really "good" or "bad," I'm kind of happy with how they are treating Chuck. They're not really doing an end-run at making Chuck a sympathetic character. They've done a great job at explaining why Chuck thinks

That was an amazing monologue and a great closing line.

I don't recall his story verbatim, but in it did Jimmy cop to taking the money? I got:

I feel the same way about AC3 - as a huge history nerd, I was tickled to be "living" all of that history…as fictitious and convoluted as it was.

YES! 10000X YES!


Dish Network changed FXX's channel on me last night, and I didn't get this DVRed until I sat down to watch it at midnight and frantically found a 2:00AM airing to record.

Yes, everyone remembers Wild N Crazy kids…

OK, but no butt stuff this time…

I have a DVR, what's a commercial?

Evidence for his innocence?

I have only seen one scene (DVR recorded SD Version, what am I a caveman?) but in it there was literally the line "No, Juice, this is Kimmy's room, you can't shoot yourself here!"