
I am a first-time DM, and a first time D&D player as of a few months ago. My group is mostly first-timers as well. We get together very irregularly, maybe once a month (children, family, and life obligations), and started in on Start Set Campaign. Things have been going well and we've been having a lot of fun - which

Is their a more resounding endorsement than "I finished this game and I…think I liked it?"

I understand the part where he has money to burn, I don't understand why this particular feat would be of any monetary value to him…what is he going to do with it?

To each their own, but can someone explain to me why this information would be work $1,000 to someone? I'm starting to get to old to internet, I think…This article made me confused and angry

And Fourvel, the stab-crazy time-travelling orphan on Comedy Bang-Bang.

Bobby Moynighan (sorry) doing Guy Fieri on SNL Weekend Update.

These are more easter eggs than anything. The vast majority of the jokes in the series need no explanation.

Victor shouting "I'm going to dip my balls in it" off screen, and Gene fondling the sweaters absolutely murdered me.

I actually had to google it because I didn't know whether it was real or not.

The part where Jonas opens that door and Victor is hanging there motionless had me rolling, both times.

You saw a couple outside the stadium. They were all wearing short sleeved button-up shirts with a tie and pocket protector. They didn't really look alike, they just wore the same clothes.

I just started bingeing "Review" yesterday, I missed the whole first season when it aired. Holy crap is this show brilliant, and dark.

Who is driving? Oh no, Jim Breuer is driving! HOW CAN THAT BE!?!

Diane was only ever on a mission against Hank until she got attention from it. Hank was just a person on a list of people she rattled off during the book tour. Then people freaked out when she told them to google him and started going nuts on her, so *then* she turned it into a cause or whatever. But she wasn't ever

I think you couldn't be any more wrong about this. If he "loved her because he loves everyone" then what were we witnessing in the montage at the beginning of the Episode? He was constantly surrounded by people, at work, and at parties. But he wasn't happy because he was lonely and he missed Diane. He basically

I think you missed the mark on the Diane/Mr.PB thing. First of all, "they're" not forgiving of anything. He doesn't, to my knowledge, need to be forgiven for anything. She's been living down the street and lying about being in a war-torn country for two months.

The beat right before it, where MrPB is talking to Diane and just goes "Oh Shit! I totally forgot I was supposed to be hosting a game show right now!" was literally the hardest I laughed at any joke from this season.

It would be hosted by Chris Hardwick, who is basically "Nerd Culture's" Mr. Peanutbutter.

Agree. Bojack was the "bad celebrity," MrPB was just playing his role.

I assumed it was Sorkin, Newsroom/studio 60/sportsnite