
Red! Blue! Black! And for some reason…green

I wouldn't have known who that is without the qualifier. I don't think Orphan Black has quite cracked the zeitgeist yet to the point where she is a known name.

"I knew that this game show would bring us to the pinnacle of the human experience more than the literary form ever could!"

It's like every time cantaloupe is invited to a party, he thinks he can just bring his dumb Freind honeydew.

God Help Us All…

I purposefully tried to look for background things on my second watch…

I'm just saying, if you're inside Ruben anyway you really owe it to yourself to take a picture of "Pirates of the Pancreas"

I died every single time at A Ryan Seacrest Type and Some Lady and the "And I'm an actress or something, I don't know - sitting in for Some Lady."

I haven't seen it.

Is that a reference from the nineties?

I just assume it was one of Vincent's suggestions. Remember when he as PC on Season 1 of she wanted "a alcohol?"

Meow Meow Fuzzyface's commanding officer was Khandi Alexander.

"Is that a reference from The Nineties? You know, that was 20 years ago right?"

I'm with Snrub. I think it was pretty obvious that Vincent is three kids stacked on top of each other. I think they didn't flat-out show it because they didn't want to be so on-the-nose…

Rick and Morty is next-level brilliant. Try to get through the Mr. Meeseks episode. If you still don't like it, maybe it's not the show for you…

While I agree, this is kind of a spoiler, isn't it?

I am show for show with you on the first two categories.

I cried multiple times watching it. Both that scene and the "Tell me I'm a Good Person" scene at the ghost writer's convention are the first two that come to mind.

VincentAdultman was my screename on here for a while, but then my login went TU - I think it was an "AV Club" login and not a Disqus login? I dunno, it was confusing.

Glad to see the A.V. Club (I know it's not a monolithic entity) come around on Bojack. That review for S1 was an abomination and actually prevented me from watching it for a while, but I can only blame myself for that.