The 8 glasses of water a day thing is a myth...
The 8 glasses of water a day thing is a myth...
This reminds me of the type of nonsense I'd get from parents when I worked for 13 years at a large department store (between 1992-2005). This one guy brought his maybe-10-year old boy in to buy a bike. He chose a 26" "mountain" bike that, when the boy got on the bike his toes could barely reach the floor. He was…
Because people aren't comparing the Vita to the iOS and Android devices; in gaming terms, OF COURSE the Vita is much, much superior to them.
I don't think many people have been saying that, but considering that 3ds has been the console of the year, with the most amazing games, the Vita was just kind of forgotten. This news will greatly help the Vita, and with most ps4 games being able to support remote play, this will start selling much much better in…
Because it has no exclusive games worth playing. The indie games they've released on it have been out for some time and can be had at 1/10 the price. It's basicly become a garbage dump for indies and crap developers exploiting successful IP's
Nomination: Logitech G500
My primary partner gave up on shopping in France and now goes to Italy to buy clothes after one time when she went into a French store to buy boots and the manager told her to leave because (translated from French) "we don't want our customers to think people of a certain size like yours shop here."
Every time I'm just about to feel bad for him, I suddenly remember or see some of the things he's said- unwarranted, and I'm reminded of that if you perpetually find yourself surrounded by drama and fighting, maybe it's time to look to yourself.
I think the fact that Phil Fish uses Andy Kaufman as a twitter avatar should tell you everything about what is going on here.
this is a mistake, paper is very abrasive, ergo bad for your cds. get a 2 dolar case. Cheaper than a book, cheaper than a CD.
Or Mr. Furious!
If they want me as a consumer, they absolutely do.
Looking forward to playing this eventually.
Animal Crossing! I mean hell... Enough said.
If someone sold or replaced their PS3 because of this, they were an idiot and you shouldn't feel bad for them.