
For the record, the Playstation Plus update goes in the first Moneysaver following the store update, and the store updates on Tuesday evening 99% of the time, this was an aberration. The Plus update will continue to be on Wednesdays following the Tuesday evening store update.

Who pays $400 for a PS3, mine was only $210 new....

I don't know what is more dumber. Paying $450 for a used PS3 right now or using fake money to buy one.

Oh my god.. I want all of those textures. I can never find anything from googling isabelle qr codes.

That's my mother right there. She called me today to remind me to give him a call tomorrow. Never mind the fact that he only ever contacts me when he's drunk. i hate having to pretend that he isn't the source of huge traumas I relive through PTSD. I can't forget, and I refuse to forgive someone who never asked or

She died when I was 19, and she was always going off on weird histrionic displays of rampant insecurity. I don't know if she'd ever have gotten the kind of help she needed to get over it. :\

My half sister and my bio father tried to guilt me into talking to him despite multiple therapists' advice and my mom's support in my decision to cut him off. When he died and especially after, my sister guilted the HELL out of me, it bordered on bullying. Part of me thinks she was just angry that she had willingly

Ughhh this sounds like my parents, except I don't think they'll ever take the plunge and get divorced (they'd always threaten us with it as children, but never went through with it—that would have actually been good for us, so they couldn't possibly be so selfless). Instead they actively resent each other and insult

My mother was the same fucking way. She bullied me into letting her marry her second husband, and I lived in terror for four years, but when he turned the hose on her, she skedaddled like no one's business.

It's been 2 days guys.

The money was already sent to them, but it is currently in development hell.

I liked the Prime games well enough but actually I want a new side-scrolling Metroid game more than a new Prime-style game.

It really does. That's nothing that the PS3 couldn't do.

Looks like this game was meant for the current gen anyway.

Rock on girl, I love you!

You must be my alternate-reality twin because this was almost to the T my exact plan for today. :-/

Agreed. This just makes me angry at Nintendo again. I gotta stop.

Right? On one hand, it was a pretty cool product, and players *did* help pay for the salaries of the good people working at Trendy.

Well, I instantly feel bad for having given them money for Dungeon Defenders.

I freaking hate people like the Russian mentioned in the article who hack and help people steal things who act as if they are doing something good.