
The phrases “largest offshore volcanic event in recorded history” and

Fair enough. Let’s call him a “generational talent” or at the very least “damned good.”

Makes sense. I’m just bitter about the ascendant Browns.

>“Safe Spaces”, at least in recent years, are a product of purely progressive movements on college campuses

I haven’t seenthe alleged $33M guarantee from the 5Y/$70M he turned down in 2018 anywhere but Ian Rapoport, who may have fudged it a bit. Subtracting the franchise tag due him already, he was looking at almost 14 a year. But again, with no known guarantees, his punishing workload and the knowledge that he’s only got

It’s an Iggy Pop song, clownshoe.

>Jersey is better

“Except not black. Why not white? White is the best. Survives any crash. Look at me.” - Also Trump

Exactly. Everybody wants to criticize Brown and Bell for being “selfish” but the reality is that either one was a serious injury away from losing it all under the Steelers’ pay schemes. I’m a lifelong Pittsburgh fan, but this shit is ridiculous. Two absolute HOF candidates and you piss them away the same season so

Man Openly Describing Crimes.

How can we Make America Great Again by taxing the rich or exposing the inherent inequalities of our unfettered capitalist oligarchy? Have you no shame, sir?

>It certainly wasn’t the conservatives that popularized the concept of “safe spaces”

Ish. The IRS exists to beat the shit out of poor people.

Yeah, I also think it sucked. I’m just wary of anyone who says so, lol. 

How do you feel about Captain Marvel or ETHICS IN GAMING JOURNALISM?

First, not sure when you went to high school, but testing improves constantly, so even if it was just three or four years ago, I’m sure the industry standard is higher. Second, the weed these kids smoke these days. Shit. Way more THC than we ever had.

+1. Well done.

> Can’t say I’ve used or heard one racial slur.

You’re terrible at this.