
No coincidence that things capitalists got excited about now look like satire.

*Been dishonest every night and day / about those girls he locked away*

They deserve whatever the jury awards them. It’s impressive no one was hurt.

Waco Football Guy Found Not Guilty By Waco People In Waco

A great article, excellent reporting! He’s got his website down, lol.

Wait, did I miss a SeaLab? Is this new?

 Something something “economic anxiety”

> I think the word you’re looking for is ‘deniers’.

When are we going to stop giving this a shred of legitimacy by calling it “skepticism?”

>Well, I’m a woman.

> identity politics

Looks like Alex Guerrero is no longer the biggest jerkoff in Foxboro.

I still think his alleged death is a long gag and he’s going to turn up with the king of diamonds. 

“I can’t help but feel like he is really a candidate that is going to help the lower and middle classes in this country. We desperately need someone who is going to fight bitterly against the corporate interests, something he has no problem doing.”

On a scale of 1 to hot flaming shit, how bad is this take?

Sure. I don’t want to see Kamala Harris elected just because it’s some kind of metric. I actually don’t want to see Kamala Harris anywhere near a ballot given her energetic prosecution practices.

Actually, trotting them out as props in her one-woman show proves a just isn’t good.

Issues are personal. Politics are personal. “Identity politics” is a right wing dog whistle  and a bit of a shibboleth.

Please point me to the politics that are not based on identity. Using right-wing buzzwords is fun.