
Came here for this, you said it much better.

They viewed it to verify, and then it was reported to law enforcement. Start telling the press it’s illegal for them to view certain things and hoo boy.

This ain’t it.

Samantha Geimer(the victim of Roman Polanski for those who don’t know) thought it was blown way out of proportion.” 

This is really some next-level meta trolling.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but I can’t believe it’s only been two years. It just kind of feels like you’ve always been here, like if the guy in The Shining had been justifiably angry about real shit. 

She’s the White House Press Secretary.

Gotcha. I work in a tangential field, which is why it sounded strange, but I agree that there is a shocking lack of what you and I would call common-sense oversight in the medical implant field. Most of it is just reactionary enforcement after things go horribly wrong.

Source? It doesn’t oxidize, which is why it’s used in these applications, and oxidation would be required for this sort of fanciful poisoning. I call bullshit.

Source? It doesn’t oxidize, which is why it’s used in these applications, and oxidation would be required for this sort of fanciful poisoning. I call bullshit.

Because they’re continually rewarded for doing so. They’ve internalized the oppression to the point that they’re intellectual kapos.

That headline. Thanks!

Congratulations on your profoundly tone-deaf take.

You know, you could just say “speech” or “vernacular”, you don’t have to use both.

“Hating Leslie Jones.” 

Go ask Matthew Shepard, et al.

ugh. old article.

Mental gymnastics something something didn’t stick the landing.

I see what you did there.

“I said this very thing last night; if he fucks it up so the 1% won’t get their obscene tax break, then THAT will be the thing that brings Trump down.”