
Because we’re huge fans of right-wing dictatorships locked in proxy wars with our ostensible enemies. Also a useful foil for our continued support of Israel, as the Saudis don’t give a shit about the Palestinians either.

Mainstream news coverage of this was brutal enough. Once I saw your byline on this article, I knew I couldn’t handle it. Here I am, 9:25 AM, wiping my eyes at my desk.

Why, did he murder another dude?

“Washington Fan” FTFY

A new Legacy 2.5GT

Good points.

The Goldfinch, or maybe Less, a book that I found pedestrian, but Heard might like”

Are we ignoring all of the other stuff in this vein that they’ve pretended didn’t happen until faced with incontrovertible evidence? 

Hog out or log out, snowflake.

He’s probably not a quality source.

Way to bury the lede. Dude ran because he had an illegal gun, then pulled it, and got shot by a cop.

If the NFL pays for the rights to a video, you think they’re gonna release it? They’ll fucking bury it.

Her vaguely glans-like hair combined with the turtleneck give Mother Pence the appearance of an erect, uncircumcised penis. Her husband is also a dickhead.

> Can’t wait Tutsi you! 

Get RID!”

“[T]heocracies in differente degrees” doesn’t really work. I understand your larger point (and agree with most of it) but a government either is theocratic, or isn’t. A state promoting religion doesn’t make it a theocracy, a state religion doesn’t make it a theocracy...religion being the state makes it a theocracy.

Israel’s government policy of discrimination and murder of another ethnic and religious group is most assuredly a secular one. Words like “theocracy” mean something and shouldn’t be used in hot take fashion, lest they lose their meaning and impact. They’re a nominal parliamentary democracy that just happens to keep

So was it demonstrably OC/pepper spray, or was it CS gas, also known as tear gas? Border Patrol and the US Army have access to both. The latter is certainly more vicious.

DC McAllister can get it. And by “it” I mean “hit by a downtown bus.

ThAt’s HOw cOme Its cALled naTIoNaL SocIAlIsM.