
If you’re the type of guy who is too dumb to do well in this world, and too proud or self-absorbed to take responsibility for it, I guess it doesn’t matter where you come from.

Not to take away for the article, which is overwhelmingly spot on, but I think the point needs to be made. 73% of white people didn’t vote Republican. The Fox News poll cited says 73% of respondents were white, and 53% of white voters voted Republican. Still sucks, least it’s not 3/4.

How could there be a hood dental plan that isn’t called Brace Yourself?

Evangelicals want Israel to exist because then they can *do something about all these Jews.*

I keep checking back on this article, hoping to see an update about how this girl’s been told to pack her bags and there’s no way she’s gonna pass the bar, but...sigh...Hellworld 2018.

Remember how Obama “disgraced” the White House in a million non-existent ways? Well, Trump just invited Sunkanye to drop F-bombs in the Oval Office. Darkest timeline, indeed.


Ah, yes, Rubber v Glue.