
make it look tacky classy

I’m white, and yes, all white people. If you’re too degenerate or asleep to realize that you benefit daily from a system designed to prop you up at the expense of our fellow Americans, then you’re shit.

I guess when you’re just typing up a quick rehash of the Variety article, it’s easy to let their same bad take on this slide by without comment. Representation is a problem.

You know, I think you’re right, but less casual and thoughtless homophobia, please.

What don’t you get, libtard/That guy was soooooo triggered” as a defense strategy.

And used some of that stolen money to fund (wait for it) at least one affair with a member of his own staff.

> concern troll about her having an affair with a staffer

Yeah, this is just more too-cool-for-school eyerolling. Dax and Kristen are awesome. I’m happy for them. I genuinely like who they appear to be. Suck it, world-weary Jez bitches.

Clearly it is an issue if products were made to solve them.

You had me until ketchup on hot dogs, when I branded you a monster.

They kind of got a pass on the whole Nazi-collabo thing. I get that they hated the Russians, but still.

He keeps letting brown people go about their business.

It won’t Turn Back Time, but I Believe its a nice start.

This was a very well-researched and well-written story. Thank you!

I’ve been reading you for a long time, but I have to kiss your ass just a little bit and tell you this was really a great article. The end. Pow.


I don’t understand the scorn. Yes, he did it to provoke a reaction and go viral. So what?

The letter writer is David Petersen, he lives in Johnstown, PA, and he deserves to be vilified as the shitty racist boomer he just proclaimed himself to be.

So, we’re just openly saying in the (pre-trial) press that we vindictively punish alleged offenders who do not do us the favor of just rolling over for the state?

Yay Nick Bosa, racist MAGA shithead did a funny and hit people good.