
Yeah!! Fuck me right??

That wasn't condescending at all. Thanks for explaining the show to me. Super insightful. I hope you're helping others as much as you've helped me.

Nora is dealing with loss. That was a majority of the episode. We've done that. The entire point of moving to Texas last year was that. We were given a few morsels to move the plot forward.

Performances aside, this felt like a retread dressed up with a Perfect Strangers joke. I love this show but it seems a little early for essentially a wheel spinning filler episode.

This show has always had uneven episodes. At it's heart, it's a sketch show. Some bits hit, some don't. This season isn't any different than any other. Maybe the only difference is that the critic doesn't see her as the patron saint of feminism anymore.

Is it fair to say Meg doesn't believe in the GR? Aren't they just a means to an end for her revenge on every one else? She's just a wrecking ball of vengeance.

How is he redeemed??  Let's not get ridiculous.  He's a monster that finally fessed up to be being a monster but in the end he's still a monster.  So he "saved" Jesse.  Really??  To say that was somehow redeeming in any way is a bit of a stretch.

No, no.  He lost his family and the legacy he so badly wanted. His son hates him, Hank died, and he'll always be remembered as a monster no matter what he did in the end.  He definitely got his. 

To be fair, Walt does get his way but he ultimately got what was coming to him.

No, you're kinda right.  It was a wee bit anticlimactic.  I think the only "wow" moment is when he finally fessed up to Skylar.  That was satisfying.  But describing the finale as a "bow" is pretty accurate.


No, what really bothers me is that there's this great book called the Hobbit.  It's a classic you see.  If you make it into a movie, it would be pretty hard to fuck up unless maybe your George Lucas.

No, what really bothers me is that there's this great book called the Hobbit.  It's a classic you see.  If you make it into a movie, it would be pretty hard to fuck up unless maybe your George Lucas.

This is so depressing.  No one wants to see Peter Jackson's fan fiction.  I can't believe they're really going to fuck this up.

This is so depressing.  No one wants to see Peter Jackson's fan fiction.  I can't believe they're really going to fuck this up.

Ya know, this movie is the Voyager episode when Janeway is making the 'ol in and out with a holodeck character and can't stop messing with his program.

Ya know, this movie is the Voyager episode when Janeway is making the 'ol in and out with a holodeck character and can't stop messing with his program.



Oh my god, thank you ThisIsNotAnInternetMeme
!!!!!  I'd buy you a beer if I could!!!!!!  What you correctly observed is completely ignored by EVERYONE. AND IT'S A MAJOR FLAW IN THIS SEASON. It is TERRIBLE.  It's a big reason I think this entire season is over rated because we were cheated from the very begining.  Again,