Viktor with a K

Four words for you:

This is a complicated and fraught topic, one that deserves a more thoughtful take than the one offered by Ms. Moskovitz. This is not about some cruel effort by men to define and control women’s bodies, as she glibly asserts. It’s about trying to create an environment where women have a chance to compete and succeed,

If we are going to hold two separate events for men and women, then we have to have some distinct dividing line between who is “a man” and who is “a woman.” It may not be fair to everyone, but you do have to draw a line somewhere.

And congrats to Wever who made history for her country, did a flawless routine and was a joy to see win even if it came as a disappointment to see Simone lose.
Also major points to Simone for being a badass and nailing the rest of her routine and then going on to support Laurie and cheer her on like a champ. When both

Sanne’s routine is very unique and beautiful to watch, and I adore Laurie Hernandez and am thrilled she got an individual medal here. They all did a great job :)

I did, too. But Wevers crushed it. I really appreciated her distinctive style of gymnastics. It was refreshing.

There is a real class division in how people view potlucks. Higher income people view them as lazy and cheap. Most blue collar folks see them as fun and a great way to have a party. There are a lot of people who can’t afford to invite 20-30 people over to eat. Blue collar folks also don’t usually do wine/ hors

Now playing

PLease, she’s very, very good but in now way did she break anything. THIS is how you break things, people. By doing something no one else has done.

I think they should just add music to the men’s gymnastics! I think it makes it more enjoyable to watch and doesn’t get rid of the WOW that was incredibly challenging parts IMO. The men’s gymnastics seems to focus so much on things that seem difficult without being as cool-looking to watch. Idk... it definitely

Along the same lines as your comment about music I would love to see them get rid of all the makeup and the sparkly outfits and all the bullshit. The girls are high level athletes. Let the skills and the ability shine and finally ditch all the “presentation” crap. There is no reason these girls should have to perform

God, it must be SO HARD to be judged by your appearance and clothing choices instead of your skills and work ethic. HOW TERRIBLE.

I’m just waiting for when “open concept” goes out of style and all these motherfuckers have to put their walls back up. Would you like to feel like you live in a $400,000 studio apartment? It’s great to keep an eye on the toddlers while you’re cooking, but how about when they are teenagers and there is no where to

Sounds like Gaines might have been a gun nut (and being a black woman, it’s possible that her hypervigilance was warranted*). So I’d probably be okay with her being arrested for probable cause. This wasn’t an arrest.

From what I understand, Gaines was trying to use her son as a human shield. ThinkProgress wrote that, “According to [Baltimore Police Chief] Johnson and spokeswoman Elise Armacost, police knocked on the door to no avail, even though they heard people inside. When they obtained a key from a landlord, an officer walked

How else is Gawker going to instigate a devolution into race riots in the comments?

This headline is rubbing me the wrong way - it insinuates that this is somehow on par with other senseless murders. You can’t point a gun at the cops, I mean, what the fuck.

When I was 10, my social studies teacher told our class that “A woman will never be elected president because women don’t vote for other women.” Not having the finely-honed misogynistic-bullshit detector I do today in elementary school, I believed him. It was years later before I realized what a horrifically fucked-up

Yes, you are free to vote for a crack pot, crack pot.