Vikram Murthi

Without giving too many spoilers, Richard's arc in season 3 is both heartbreaking and brilliant. I've always been a huge fan of the character, but his story in this season makes me love the entire series more.

Fuck it, I'm voting for Oz. Just wanna see what the Roundtable has to say about prison singing.


Or McGuirk's table which is a piece of wood held up by stacks of empty Black Hole Brew cases.

I can count on my fingers the number of times I’ve devolved into fits of laughter. Coach McGuirk suffering from insomnia is one of them.

Pardon my french, but you're an asshole! Asshole!

One of the best.

I love the ending scene of "The Party" so goddamn much. I don't know why I find it so moving, but Brendon, Jason, and Melissa talking about how to make something action-packed while walking off into the sunset as the score slowly creeps up over them just makes me smile.

You win this round.

"Come on, Dad! You can make it!" "Awh, of course he'll make it, it's TV!"

Well, I'm not gonna let something like that happen again!

"I'm sorry, I just don't think I can go to Cancun now."
"You can go to Cancun, Brendan. We're on friendly terms with Mexico. They let US in."

Even taking into account everyday, batshit-insanity, Cuba's comments kinda take the cake.

"Oh, wow. It's weird seeing a dead body, Brendan. And it's weird seeing it with you. I kinda feel like I shouldn't have brought you here, you know? I mean, you are eight…"
"Nah, I'm cool."
"Alright. Just don't tell you mom I brought you to see a dead body."

"Brendan, theres nothing wrong with lying to women…or the government…or your parents…or God. Alright?"

Once again, with the return of Home Movies coverage come another Piece of Wisdom from Coach McGuirk:

There was certainly some scrambling on Sorkin's part to try to be relevant in the wake of 9/11, but still entertaining and has some really moving moments.

All I'm saying is that I stand for 90% of the Sorkin years of The West Wing. Third and fourth seasons are nowhere near as bad as this list makes them out to be.

Right? She just seems so game.

"Change what she says! It's your company."
"Not since I was forced out in 1974. They said my way of thinking just wasn't cost effective."
"That's awful!"
"Well, that, and…I was funneling profits to the Viet Cong."