Vikram Murthi

"Joe, I told you, it's over. Release me from your kung-fu grip."
"Fine. I'll bomb your house to the ground, missy."

"…partly because Loren Bouchard also co-created Home Movies (a show that I’d put in my desert-island top five because I believe it depicts growing up in such an accurate and honest way that it’s almost eerie to watch at times)…"

"He set The Tempest in Nazi Germany! There were swastikas everywhere!"

I just watched the first episode (first time through the series) and I'll say that I actually found it compelling. Obviously it really picked up as soon as Oliver calls Geoffrey, but I liked the methodical depiction of talented people seemingly on the other side of their once great potential, the notion that time is

Yes. Three episodes from Season Two. Yes.

Between seasons 5 and 6, I'd take 5 everyday of the week.

Yeah, I know it's on!

Yeah, I know it's on!

"Troy, this circle is you." "My God! It's like you've known me all my life!"

"Troy, this circle is you." "My God! It's like you've known me all my life!"

"A new mood is in the air in Springfield, as refreshing as a pre-moistened towelette. Folks are finally accepting their feelings and really communicating without holding back, and this reporter thinks it's about fucking time."

"A new mood is in the air in Springfield, as refreshing as a pre-moistened towelette. Folks are finally accepting their feelings and really communicating without holding back, and this reporter thinks it's about fucking time."

"Homer, there's no easy way to tell you this: I'm afraid I'm gonna have to saw your arms off."
"They'll grow back, right?"

I'm actually surprised how few of issues I had with the list. I think Treme should be way, way, way higher (it's in my theoretical top 10), but that might be a minority opinion. Parenthood and Luck should be higher. I love 30 Rock, and this most recent season is the best it's been in years, but I think it's a bit too

I'm actually surprised how few of issues I had with the list. I think Treme should be way, way, way higher (it's in my theoretical top 10), but that might be a minority opinion. Parenthood and Luck should be higher. I love 30 Rock, and this most recent season is the best it's been in years, but I think it's a bit too

"Look at this youngish man
Already halfway off with his pants
He's doing something weird with his hands
He's got a multitude of outrageous plans
But he's still trying to cough up
That which he choked on in the churches
Look at him now loitering in front of a vacant storefront
Bearded and bedecked in Army surplus
Don't know

"Look at this youngish man
Already halfway off with his pants
He's doing something weird with his hands
He's got a multitude of outrageous plans
But he's still trying to cough up
That which he choked on in the churches
Look at him now loitering in front of a vacant storefront
Bearded and bedecked in Army surplus
Don't know

There was such a genuine smile on Baldi's face when he realized that the show was gonna get cut short and fans were singing "Wasted Days"' chorus anyway. Easily a festival highlight for me. Pure. Fucking. Rock.

There was such a genuine smile on Baldi's face when he realized that the show was gonna get cut short and fans were singing "Wasted Days"' chorus anyway. Easily a festival highlight for me. Pure. Fucking. Rock.

Oh my God. That's awesome.