Vikram Murthi

Favorite Rick quotes:

Supercut of "Do you validate?"

I'm genuinely surprised at how many random Homestar Runner quotes I remember, especially not having given it a moment's thought in at least six or seven years. Just reading the words "Teen Girl Squad," I reflexively thought *in weird, high-pitched voice* "Cheerleader! So-and-so! What'sherface! The Ugly One!"

"Smooching and Mooching" is just a moving episode of television from beginning to end.

"Bill Murray is the funniest man on the planet."

Aw Jesus, "The Garage Door" is some heart-wrenching television. It's one of the episodes I return to most often and my favorite episode on some days.

This episode has some of my favorite moments:

Oh, this is going to be great. A good writer is going to get pilloried because he wrote a good piece that will piss everyone off and dismissed as clickbait. (And apparently all the AVC commenters need to see is the word "Weeds" in the same article about Breaking Bad to dismiss the entire thing outright). I disagree

"It's not fair, okay? You don't understand. It's not like anyone forgets who gets picked last. I've always been picked last. Everyone knows. Girls know. And the thing is, I might not be bad. I never get better because I'm never given the chance, but I could be good. I know I could be good."

"Hey Sam, when you're climbing them, be careful not to pull their hair, because they'll jerk up, and you'll fall. Okay? And when you're climbing them, be careful not to pull their bra straps, because they'll wiggle, and you'll fall. Now, if you fall, be careful to cover your head so you don't break your neck, okay?"

I know that Neal is nobody's favorite character, but he was always the one geek I related to more than any of the others. He's smart alecky and a little condescending, but his obsession with comedy/pop culture always humanized him for me (that and "The Garage Door" episode, which is my favorite episode some days

Rosso's herpes speech to Lindsay is so choice.

Jeremy and Natalie's breakup is absolutely brutal. When Jeremy hisses "I don't get the same thrill you do from being on the list," and Natalie's accusation that "Nobody cares that you're a sports expert," it communicates so much pent up rage and ignored arguments. Both are taking advantage of a relationship that's too

"He used sarcasm. He knew all the tricks: dramatic irony, metaphor, bathos, puns, parody, litotes, and satire."

1. "A keg of beer, please." "Don't see that happening." One of my favorite exchanges in the series and something I still quote regularly.

I know Geoffrey's the favorite, but Richard was hands down my favorite character on the show. McKinney brought to life a character that in lesser hands would be written as a pure monster and nothing else. All the actors needed Richard, but they also need to hate Richard, and Richard needed to be hated to do his job

Yep, kicked off the Internet.

Ranking these episodes is like ranking Coen Brothers films (and, I would imagine, like ranking your children): it's pretty fucking impossible. 18-way tie for first place for like four hundred different reason.

"What's the theme?" 
"Woman of the night! She gets dressed up, she kills a john, she has a snack!" 
"Uh, let's keep making piles."

Toby Hunter, Minneapolis Star. No really, is this a joke?