Vikram Murthi

Oh my God. That's awesome.

"Homer, we have a perfectly good bookcase."
"Yeah, but this is what they're doing on campus. Besides, it isn't costing us. I swiped the cinderblocks from a construction site."
*at the site*
"Sir, six cinderblocks are missing."
"There'll be no hospital, then. I'll tell the children."

"Homer, we have a perfectly good bookcase."
"Yeah, but this is what they're doing on campus. Besides, it isn't costing us. I swiped the cinderblocks from a construction site."
*at the site*
"Sir, six cinderblocks are missing."
"There'll be no hospital, then. I'll tell the children."

"That shark made me so scared of the water, I spent the whole summer standing up to pee. Then I got into the habit of it. I like it!" 
"There's your attraction!"

"That shark made me so scared of the water, I spent the whole summer standing up to pee. Then I got into the habit of it. I like it!" 
"There's your attraction!"

Aw, man. My love for this show and the dread for its eventual cancellation are both parallel and steadily increasing by each episode.

Aw, man. My love for this show and the dread for its eventual cancellation are both parallel and steadily increasing by each episode.

"Whats he's saying?!" "I DON'T KNOW! HE'S JUST MURMURING!"

"Whats he's saying?!" "I DON'T KNOW! HE'S JUST MURMURING!"

Don't get me wrong, I was into Turn On The Bright Lights when it came out and it's still a really good album, but I do think it is one of those early-00s albums that sound really, really dated. It's a nice little trip into the past, but I can't imagine how this is gonna sound in ten years if it sounds like it does now.

Don't get me wrong, I was into Turn On The Bright Lights when it came out and it's still a really good album, but I do think it is one of those early-00s albums that sound really, really dated. It's a nice little trip into the past, but I can't imagine how this is gonna sound in ten years if it sounds like it does now.

Well I'm not going to let something like that happen again!

Well I'm not going to let something like that happen again!

For what it's worth, even though it's a shit movie, Colin Hanks' likability just barely holds together Orange County through its utter fucking nonsense of a plot.

For what it's worth, even though it's a shit movie, Colin Hanks' likability just barely holds together Orange County through its utter fucking nonsense of a plot.

It's funny cause as much as I like 6, I feel like that season is the one that produced like the very first duds. Then again, it also has the Stonecutters episode, so maybe I should shut the fuck up.

It's funny cause as much as I like 6, I feel like that season is the one that produced like the very first duds. Then again, it also has the Stonecutters episode, so maybe I should shut the fuck up.

4 and 5 are pretty much tied for me, with maybe 4 having the edge. But Deep Space Homer is my pick for funniest Simpsons ep.

4 and 5 are pretty much tied for me, with maybe 4 having the edge. But Deep Space Homer is my pick for funniest Simpsons ep.

Number eight.