Vikram Murthi

Number eight.

En garde.

En garde.

God, I love the nonchalant way Warren explains his situation to Johnny Sack. "I'm gonna spare us the awkwardness…" I would have loved to seen a sitcom like The Adventures of Warren and Gupta or something. R.I.P. Sydney Pollack.

God, I love the nonchalant way Warren explains his situation to Johnny Sack. "I'm gonna spare us the awkwardness…" I would have loved to seen a sitcom like The Adventures of Warren and Gupta or something. R.I.P. Sydney Pollack.

No joke here: there is no fucking way I believe Romney has seen let alone likes O Brother Where Art Thou?

No joke here: there is no fucking way I believe Romney has seen let alone likes O Brother Where Art Thou?



I don't understand. Do you exist in a reality where anyone and everyone watches and loves Treme, so much so that they would rise up against you because you don't share their opinion? Did some Frank Gehry fan who had an iPhone and likes Treme kidnap your family or something? It's cool if you aren't into it, but there

I don't understand. Do you exist in a reality where anyone and everyone watches and loves Treme, so much so that they would rise up against you because you don't share their opinion? Did some Frank Gehry fan who had an iPhone and likes Treme kidnap your family or something? It's cool if you aren't into it, but there

I think Simon said they've already been renewed for S4, but it'll be truncated to like half the length of a normal season (6 episode max) to close up the story. This seems fair. I've always thought Simon and television have had a square-peg-circle-hole relationship, he's never really fit well with the medium (Wasn't

I think Simon said they've already been renewed for S4, but it'll be truncated to like half the length of a normal season (6 episode max) to close up the story. This seems fair. I've always thought Simon and television have had a square-peg-circle-hole relationship, he's never really fit well with the medium (Wasn't

About halfway through every conversation I have defending Treme, I always think to myself "Isn't all of this very obvious?" To me, Treme is one of those no-brainer best shows on television. It always had a confident vision of what it wants to be and where it's going (kudos Simon) and created an honest, rich world of

About halfway through every conversation I have defending Treme, I always think to myself "Isn't all of this very obvious?" To me, Treme is one of those no-brainer best shows on television. It always had a confident vision of what it wants to be and where it's going (kudos Simon) and created an honest, rich world of



But…but…2013?? Revolt! Revolt!

But…but…2013?? Revolt! Revolt!