Vikram Murthi


Exactly. I'd say it succeeds more as a film than as a comedy.

Exactly. I'd say it succeeds more as a film than as a comedy.

"This is funny: ANYBODY can become a soccer coach. Like, they don't regulate. You have to get like a degree, right? And so you're qualified? Yeah, I'm not, which is amazing that you can become a COACH of a SPORT that you don't even care about, that you don't know how to play, you're not good with kids. But, uh, I have

"This is funny: ANYBODY can become a soccer coach. Like, they don't regulate. You have to get like a degree, right? And so you're qualified? Yeah, I'm not, which is amazing that you can become a COACH of a SPORT that you don't even care about, that you don't know how to play, you're not good with kids. But, uh, I have

I honestly believe Will becomes the best thing about the fairly disastrous post-Sorkin years of the show. I don't think he's a standout character, but I think Sorkin got the best out of him during his tenure and they did some interesting stuff with him after he left.

I honestly believe Will becomes the best thing about the fairly disastrous post-Sorkin years of the show. I don't think he's a standout character, but I think Sorkin got the best out of him during his tenure and they did some interesting stuff with him after he left.

It was the best of times….it was the BLURST of times?!

It was the best of times….it was the BLURST of times?!

Oh, I thought it said "BRAIN HEMORRHAGES"

Oh, I thought it said "BRAIN HEMORRHAGES"

Sideshow Raheem!

Sideshow Raheem!

So you're a financial expert…and your advice is to go gambling?

I watched them straight from S1 and I agree that the beginning is a little rough. I personally think it hit its stride in episode 5 with McGuirk bantering with the kids about drinking pee on the camping trip.


Yeah! How dare we! What a bunch of fucking tools we are.

Yeah! How dare we! What a bunch of fucking tools we are.

Now I officially can't wait for the coverage.

Now I officially can't wait for the coverage.