Vikram Murthi

I would want my God to have those kind of fantasies.

"Quick science lesson: don't mix beer and scotch…how did that get NO reaction?"

"Quick science lesson: don't mix beer and scotch…how did that get NO reaction?"

Coach McGuirk is a God amongst men.

Coach McGuirk is a God amongst men.

Yeah, there's no hope for you if you got nothing out of Party Down.

Yeah, there's no hope for you if you got nothing out of Party Down.

C'mon Bart, we're gonna sneak into an R-rated movie! It's called Barton Fink!

C'mon Bart, we're gonna sneak into an R-rated movie! It's called Barton Fink!

"Homer, there's no easy way to tell you this, but I'm gonna have to saw your arm off." "But it'll grow back, right?" "Uh…yeah."

"Homer, there's no easy way to tell you this, but I'm gonna have to saw your arm off." "But it'll grow back, right?" "Uh…yeah."

"But I love solids!"

"But I love solids!"

He'll flip ya! Flip ya for real!

He'll flip ya! Flip ya for real!

God, "Homer's Triple Bypass" may be my secret favorite Simpsons episode. I think the darkly absurd humor in "Bypass" work hand-in-hand with the emotional element in a way the very best Simpsons episodes could, a way that always reminded the viewer that none of the absurdity, genre-bending, or self-reflexivity would

God, "Homer's Triple Bypass" may be my secret favorite Simpsons episode. I think the darkly absurd humor in "Bypass" work hand-in-hand with the emotional element in a way the very best Simpsons episodes could, a way that always reminded the viewer that none of the absurdity, genre-bending, or self-reflexivity would

Man, I fucking love Bob Balaban. One of the few actors I can say that makes anything better just by being on screen.

Man, I fucking love Bob Balaban. One of the few actors I can say that makes anything better just by being on screen.

Is this the part where someone writes, "RON PAUL 2012"?