s/b “a mother whose daughter...”
s/b “a mother whose daughter...”
I agree, I don’t understand the criticism. Their investigative reporting is fantastic, and they’ve been cited by news organizations that follow-up on their stories as well.
So...every single item of apparel in my grandmother’s wardrobe, then.
Because Scientologists believe that children are fully formed beings, spiritually speaking, it’s likely that Suri is also considered a SP.
“Twitter is simply too cruel and too violent for men.”
Excellently well done.
Pro: They do look slightly less middle-aged than the cast of the movie.
Con: They still look too old for college, let alone high school.
“I want it to look like I just gut-busted out of my skirt.”
For fancy bitches who can hold their liquor, this blend of bourbon, rye, and scotch is the most delicious elixir on the face of the fucking earth.
I have this exact nightgown in pale yellow. Had it for years and it’s been washed about eleventy million times. Still in perfect shape. If you wait for the seasonal sales at Vermont Country Store, you can get Eileen West and other quality sleepwear at a decent discount.
On behalf of all Cubs fans everywhere, fuck this dumbass.
If this product had been available when I had to walk to and from work in Chicago every day, I would’ve worn it in a heartbeat. I was followed, I was verbally harassed, I was briefly grabbed once, and you bet your ass I feared for my safety.
Yes, I loved Spy, and I usually run far away from high-concept comedies like that.
My company’s policy, which I personally sold to our CEO, is that if you have something communicable, i.e., a cold or flu or worse, then you don’t have to use PTO to stay home. It’s a free day. So far it’s been more effective in keeping people home than either making people use their PTO or having a separate category…
Thank you! Yes, how can this have been forgotten by so many?
I have friends who do it and they look in the mirror and think they look great. But they’re looking at their static faces, posing in the mirror. I look at my friends talking IRL and all I can think is “Why doesn’t her face work?”
I was asst. mgr. at the Starbucks in Santa Monica next to where they were filming “Get Shorty” in a restaurant on location. Unbeknowst to me, an asst. mgr. had sent a basket of pastries over to the location because she’d heard Travolta was there and she loved him. LOVED HIM (this was the ‘90s, so fine).
All I know is,…
Team DeNiro.
This is a perfect example of what made Amy great and what makes so much pop music so awful. The pop stars of today gloss and trill 10-15 notes per syllable while Amy sang one.
He’s a church official? What a huge fucking surprise.
Incidents like that do seem to reinforce that Scientology is very much a religion. I mean, you can’t say out loud what is plain for everyone to see, because it would contradict an elder of the church.