
I get a lot of science/engineering PhDs who consult for the company I work for, and therefore need to bill us for their time. These guys, without fail, have absolutely NO IDEA how to write up an invoice, what a 1099 is, etc. etc., and they have to have their hands held, by me, every step of the way. Because they're

I don't know about you, but I'm totally stealing that gay coffee line.

My dog once went ballistic and tried to kill a very menacing reindeer lawn ornament made of bundled twigs. So...not so sure dogs are great arbiters of "does it look realistic?"

Ah yes, the perennial discussion of the impending demise of SNL. Meanwhile, people who actually watch the show know that it's funnier than ever.

As for the musical guests, the less you rely on technology, and the more you rely on talent to perform your song, the better off you'll be. And that pretty much explains

Yeah, I don't think he's as avant garde as he purports to be, or as the judges apparently believe him to be. So disappointing.

Yeah, that was terrible.

I agree, I didn't think that College Humor thing was funny at all.

Amanda did deserve to win. She has a unique point of view and her color combos were just amazing. But Sean wisely jumped on the slashed-menswear-giant-elbow-length-sleeves bandwagon, a wagon he did NOT invent, and all the judges fell to their knees.
Plus, about half of Sean's looks were just plain fugly.

Actually, the judges were easy on her, I guess because of her age. It was NOT an impressive rumba, probably because her parents made sure to tell her (and ABC made sure to make it part of the rehearsal package) that moving your hips is a sin. In other packages, we've been treated to segments wherein her father

She was a known abuser of coke and amphetamines, probably to stay thin.


Anyone who watched her on DWTS knows that Bristol is composed of pure, unadulterated, brainless entitlement. She makes Kim Kardashian look like Malala Yousafzai.

I agree with you. First of all, unless the place is super casual, it's just kind of a tacky thing to see, and secondly, if my manager were to see that stack of plates, he'd be all "Why haven't you bussed that table yet? So yeah, stacked plates are, whether intended or not, kind of an unspoken comment on the service.

I waited tables at a cafe in PA during college, and one day I heard the two other lunch shift waitresses (who were white like me) bitching about a table, and it soon became clear why: they had a problem waiting on the four black women who were seated there. I immediately said that I would wait on them (because fuck

Yeah, fuck that empire waistline tyranny.

Socks with sandals CAN be cute. Not those damn Teva things, though.

Styles barfed on "the LA Freeway"? Which LA freeway is that?

<sigh> Baz Luhrmann. Such a great beginning, gone so horribly awry.

I agree. Even giving her an "editing!" benefit of the doubt, there's no doubt that the other designers were extremely uncomfortable by the nature of her tantrums, and also that they were relieved she was gone. She acted in an extremely entitled way, and PR does not generally reward that sort of behavior.

Too bad;