
"...sign her up for a pilates course."

Yes, don't bother consulting the woman, just send her to vagina obedience school!

They call themselves Directioners? Because that is not catchy.


Silly. Nothing burgers already vegan. Right there in the name.

Quick test to tell if fur is real or faux: blow on it. If it lies flat in a circle, probably real, if it lies flat in a straight line, it's faux.

Are those LYCRA SHORTS??

I can only pray that some network intern pulled these costumes from stock and that a real costume designer will design some real costumes for the real production.

Pretty sure I had this exact dress in 1975.

So. Much. Fug.

I listened to the composers talk about their process, and they said that they altered the plot from the source material (The Snow Queen) because the main relationship was a platonic friendship between a boy and girl, and that the girl saved the boy from the evil queen, but that there was no romance involved.

A girlfriend of mine says that VB quilted fabric bags are all the rage with TEENS in the South. Anyone else encounter this? I would think that teens would want to stay as far away from VB as they can possibly get.

I know, if you're going to rename it, just call it Welsh Cheese and Bread fer chrissakes.

My Dr. Scholl's are back in style! I shall celebrate by taking mine for a spin down the block! <clack clack clack clack clack clack>

Always amusing to watch MJ take a trend (boxy) to its logical extreme.

My ex used to work in a English-style pub. One guys comes in and orders the Welsh rarebit from him. There's a description of it in the menu. He gets his food. A couple of minutes later, he calls my ex over and complains "I see a lot of bread, and I see a lot of cheese, but I'm not seeing so much of the rarebit."

WTHell? She's GOOD on Update, unlike Jost. Why don't they replace HIM with Che?

This article is outstanding. An effective combination of analysis, insight, and experience.

If I lived in Everett, Pennsylvania, I would hold a candlelight vigil outside that dude's jail cell. Because that shit is fucking HILARIOUS.

Nova special on PBS tonight on this very subject. Should be good.