
Yeah, you know, important fashion icons like Anna Wintour, Gisele Bundchen, and....Kelly Cutrone.

I know that no one can "turn you gay," but damn, if anyone could, it would be this guy.

You said the response that I had in my head, thanks. The thing is, if I am in the checkout process at the grocery store and some guy walks by with "Hey you're beautiful," it may be a less stressful situation for me than him saying that in the produce department because I'm in the middle of a process which can

Oh my god. Yeah WTF are people thinking when they do shit like that?

Also stars David Duchovny's 1991 mullet.

I don't get it, either.

Pretty sure all fashion magazines are about selling stuff.

Yeah, I feel like I'm turning into my grandmother or something, and my boyfriend was definitely surprised at how willing I was to just boss those kids around but damn, people. Somebody had to do it.

Have these parents not seen "The Rapture"? Mimi Rogers belongs to a Christian cult that is focused on Biblical prophecy. She takes her child out of school, drives into the desert and...well, let's just say it does not go well.

I was touring Anacapa, one of the Channel Islands off the SoCal coast, and at one end where the view was particularly amazing, there was a large family group standing around taking pictures. We had been warned repeatedly not to leave the path in order not to harass the nesting gulls, but also because almost the

Yeah, that list is some bullshit, especially all the royals. That's some snoozefest fashion right there.

Weddings are only fun/interesting if you're really close to the people involved. Otherwise it's just 45 minutes of boring in jokes and greeting card sentiments, followed by 2 hours of bad food and worse music.

At least half of those reactions are confusion over why someone would spit on a plate that he is attempting to clean.

I don't understand why any gal would WANT to look like Ms. Jay Leno.

Ambien is not for everyone.

"Apparently," this kid's a star.

It's interesting to me that, as an older woman, I have escaped the age where dudes assume that, because I speak to them at a party, I'm sexually interested in them. Frankly, it's a relief, because I don't have to worry that starting a conversation with an attractive man will be construed as some kind of attempt to

Yes, there's a whole lot of vegetables in this big wide world. Inconceivable that anyone could hate each and every one of them.

Thanks for sharing that with me!

Yeah, I hear you. Much easier to eat a diet that won't kill you when you eat a lot of veggies and hardly any meat, though.