
Go fuck yourself, you obfuscating asshole

And, while we’re at it, let’s put a little bit of blame on the kid’s coach: he should’ve said “go fuck yourself” and marched his team right out of there.

As a lapsed Catholic, I think this is fairly accurate. Other things the official church believes in include evolution and the big bang. The Vatican’s science department is pretty fascinating to peruse. Now if things could filter down to the priests on the ground.

Whiskey stones solve a problem nobody needs solved. Whiskey drinkers like it either neat, with a splash of water, or on the rocks (or part of a mixed drink). That’s an increasing order of wetness. Nobody really wants it cold and dry. They THINK they might, but not really.

I love Filson for their cloth bags, but if I’m going leather, Saddleback would indeed be the first place I looked.

I love Filson for their cloth bags, but if I’m going leather, Saddleback would indeed be the first place I looked.

Waiting for the day when I never see an image of this rainbow snow cone tattooed rapist clown face again, the filthy piece of shit. All the punches forever.

That 12th round knockdown would have killed 99% of people on the planet and Tyson didn't even seem to be too dazed. What a fight 

Leather backpacks are heavy as fuck though - which severely limits their practicality.

Leather backpacks are heavy as fuck though - which severely limits their practicality.

Saddleback rules. 

Saddleback rules. 

Is the butter for the pancakes still made from tigers?

The name choice and logo were straight up racist as fuck, but I had never had blueberry syrup on pancakes until I ate at a Sambo’s in Lubbock, Tx. That syrup was so good I stole the bottle.

Yeah the thing i’m always saying to my friends who have all played Bethesda games since before oblivion is that Bethesda games are good - if you mod them.

I’d just like to point out that whenever I’m about to post I check for the Arnheim comment because it usually says something similar to what I was about to post, except more eloquently and with less swear words.  It’s way easier to just give it a star.  

Well this brings back some memories

and they’d be like “We aren’t connected to the school, so go live in the actual school dorms then.”

I didn’t even have to read past the headline to know that this would be Scottish Rite. Oh man, that place is crazy. My friend lived there, because her (very well off but apparently pretty shitty) aunt had been a resident there, and told my friend that she would gladly pay all tuition and residential fees to UT . . .

The kind that comes in gallon cans with a plain white label.

An “unprecedented” case of officers being held accountable for the public harm they do, and held to standards like the rest of us.

He’s got money so he could pay for protection, but he also has no chill and clearly hasn’t heard No enough in his life so I give a month before he pisses someone off and they shank his ass. 

I actually sort of understand his reticence to come forward with information that would upset Lebron and his crew. If he was forthright, it would probably impact them giving him tips and that is how Caddies make the bulk of their money.