
Being fast and Porsche doesn’t imply soul.

I doubt it. He’s more than likely forgotten all his military and special ops training as well. They’ve been slowly but surely dumbing him down like they did to Sabretooth. 

Please let him die on Christmas Day.

Regardless of some certain decisions, game-design related or completely PR centric on a corporate level... even in the face of countless degrees of drama and nonsense, it’s really easy to tell that the developers that ARE still left at Blizzard definitely still care very greatly for the games they’ve been given

Just another mediocre guy who failed upward and is destroying everything successful he touches. I would hope his career is over after this, but he will probably be promoted to something even bigger

Look at the timestamps. I don’t follow this a-hole, but that’s basically a full day of just tweeting.  Talk about do nothing.

So Deadspin’s fucked thanks to Jimmy’s inability to run a successful business. Deadspin has now had all its comments turned off and several staffers have very publicly quit after the firing yesterday.

We’re past scary. Pretty much all of deadspin resigned.

They disabled them it appears. This looks like the tipping point for G/O. Fuck, Jim Spanfeller, long live Deadspin.

I read a tweet from earlier today that the whole plan to bring mini-vans full of veterans with him was just so nobody would boo him when he was pictured on the Jumbotron. Apparently he requested they not announce him at all. Donny Boy doesn’t feel so confident when he can’t pack the stands with his sycophants.

It definitely will. I think this is his first non-controlled public appearance since becoming President, likely to avoid this exact scenario. This will play 24/7 on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News. Dude is gonna be pissed.

The “Veterans for Impeachment” signs behind home plate at the top of the fifth was also a nice touch.

There’s no need to wait for the grid heater until you’re down into the 30's. I’m actually surprised it came on at 62. Was the dash light on?

Was this the case for Thin Lizzy too? Cause the Jailbreak album is better than anything 75% of these ‘artists’ ever put out.


Alright, let me just say this once so everyone knows the truth: just because something is complex and difficult, doesn’t mean it sounds good. I guess what I’m trying to say is that STEELY DAN SUCKS SHIT

My favorite part about reading stories on Deadspin anymore is how the ads load and unload dynamically. I really love reading a sentence and then having it jump 4 inches down the screen, before finally finding it again, and then it jumps back up 4 inches. I understand this isn’t Deadspin’s fault per se, but I don’t

You think he is distracted now, wait till he sees the guy that followed her out.

It’s got a Ralph Lauren signet on the breast, Dudebra. It’s immediately classy, despite being a t-shirt.

They’re the type of pedo rapist he is.