Vigorously Valsalvic

I don't get the "not enough Clark" criticism of Man Of Steel. It seemed to me that the movie was all about Clark, at least Kansas Farmboy Clark. True, we didn't get iconic Reporter Clark, but the movie was all about Clark Kent reconciling his Kryptonian birth with his Middle American upbringing.

Huh. That was a far more enlightening Google journey than I expected, given the anagram possibilities of "Cnut". Good job knowing stuff.

Liked for "SHARK MOVIE" being one word.

I thought @Scrawler2:disqus preferred "tentpole" acting from Mr. Hardy.

"Moving the line to $4.99…"

@avclub-91e94d269dd0ac7c3dfbb6abf8d05780:disqus Awesome. Would that I had more than one like to give.

Technically four panels, but I agree that "Doomed planet / desperate scientists / last hope / kindly couple" positively owns as a Superman origin story.

I initially read your "blah blah blah" as the most half-hearted Inception BWAMPs ever.

Forgot about the ear thing; a bit of a sore point for Clive Mantle, I'd imagine.

I love the S1 scene with Ned and Cat in bed together, where Ned jokes that Cat's gods are "the ones with all the rules." One of those throwaway lines that make Westeros feel lived in (and help with the Catholic parallel of The Seven).

I've seen people making oblique references to the ending of "It" on previous SK articles, but I'm drawing a blank. What part are you talking about?

Agreed on "Cliffhanger". The opening fall sequence, piton gun through the ice, and slo-mo scenes rocked my world as a teenager, and continue to rock my world in my thirties on a bored Sunday afternoon.

I remember coming in with "The One With The Sonogram At The End", and loving the Pink Floyd conversation. "We're still talking about sex, right?" seemed so fresh and new at the time.

"Who's Omar?" "He's the dude who spins me over his head in the opening credits."

@avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus - Liked for "hump cuts".

@avclub-095543c425d38265455b460a8b71ee8f:disqus Sir! We have a grey alert!

"Fun fact: Ben just got an amazing accounting job. Regular fact: I have to go to a meeting. Unfun fact: My Uncle just had a stroke."

Swap out Julia Roberts with Joan Rivers, and I'm right there with you.

Flagged for using a contraction.

Flagged for using a contraction.