Vigorously Valsalvic

My long tenure as a huge Andy Dwyer fan notwithstanding, Berg’s tweet might as well adopt the “who has to go, and why is it Pratt” format.

There’s something about an under-the-eye headshot that seems incredibly visceral. We’re so accustomed to the John Wick between-the-eyes style that the clerk’s death feels realistic in a way so many cinematic deaths just don’t.

I clicked the headline expressly to confirm that the apostrophe came with a [sic]. I can now resume not doing my daily responsibilities.

Take your star.

Exactly. If the corporate behemoth’s coldly cynical financial algorithm indicates that the profitable course of action is to make a statement and contribute seven figures to charities fighting the good fight, that’s a good thing.

I was always so disappointed that the score wasn’t available through legitimate channels. I try hard as I can to avoid pirating music, but ended up having no choice on this one...

I would normally expect them to follow the house style of “Featuring Margo Martindale” as the entirety of the review, but recognize that the remainder of the cast makes this approach problematic...

Yeah, you’ve pretty much got the gist of it...

It’s that classic Deep State move of constructing an impossibly complex conspiracy, and then forgetting to enact it.

Add that Peteypedia doesn’t work in Canada (I mean, if you have a direct URL to a given article, you can use it, but it’s a sizeable hassle that tests the limits of both my patience and my Google-Fu), and I agree with you: shown or implied on-screen or GTFO.

Course-correcting the gag by applying a complementary QWERTY transposition? You better believe that’s a starrin’...

Watching the CinemaWins series on Endgame had my eyes welling up with a huge grin on his face. Hearing him giggle while the Win Counter rapid-fires is such contagious good feelz... well worth a watch.

She starred in it, but it wasn’t a film she wrote...

“Say, what’s in this drink?”

Seriously. I’m intrigued now, whereas the ads I’ve seen for this mostly make it look like The Astronaut’s Wife: Pitt v Jones...

He really was one sorry polentologist.

Whether intentional or not, I will never not snigger at “head cannon”...

Or a Chekhov’s Knife Through Your Brain?

I was all set to snark, “120 minutes? no wonder you didn’t like it, you left before the end!” but took a moment to Bing the runtime, and sweet jeebus how is that movie only 2h9m long?? It felt like a freaking eternity!!!

Nor, I’d argue, does it hold up quite as well as you may expect. Maybe it’s that I’ve become a parent since my previous viewing, but while there’s still a lot to recommend the movie, there’s a lot more “oh yeah, no, he’s in jail” than I remembered...