
The biggest tragedy in all of this is that they probably won’t be able to find another white heterosexual ivy league finance bro to take Taubman’s place.

Quoth TheMaven, "Nevermore."

Best wishes to the Sports Illustrated crew!

And there’s a second whistleblower, an IRS agent, a comin’.

...that took a dark turn real quick in a way I was not expecting. Fascinating read.

Fun fact about Gladwell, he cut his ‘journalistic’ teeth writing press releases for Big Tobacco, questioning the science behind the determination that it causes cancer and slandering the people suing tobacco companies.

They don’t hire insightful thinkers with a burning urge to speak truth to power for those positions.

the theory’s basic premise is that human beings generally operate under the assumption that the people we are interacting with are being honest.

He wonders why McQueary remembers the campus as being deserted on the night he says he witnessed the assault (Feb. 9, 2001), even though there was a hockey game and a Barenaked Ladies concert on campus that night.

To be fair, I think we should withhold judgement and run that experiment just to be sure.

Malcolm Gladwell: “All I’m saying is that jet fuel can’t melt Sandusky’s penis.”

I’m so disappointed that he didn’t choose a biodegradable material.

A plastic bag of styrofoam cups is also Alex Smith’s new tibia.

Orrrrrr they could be big boys who don’t throw helmets. It’s really not a big ask.

He threw a helmet out of frustration. The rule is in place to prevent helmets being thrown out of frustration. How is the spirit of the rule not broken? I understand and sympathize with the reasons for his frustrations, but “he was frustrated” is not a good excuse for “why it was ok to throw his helmet. If the refs

If he was flagged for taking off the helmet when he did so because the chinstrap was abruptly choking him, or some other situation where he had to remove it, then I would agree that the spirit of the rule was broken. I’m sympathetic to Neal’s frustration; this is his career staring him down, after all. But you are

I get that the officials look super harsh and lame here, but the decision to throw or not throw the flag isn’t really up to them. The rule isn’t “no helmet removal except when you’re really upset about something.

The road game @ Miami has been a trap game for years ever since Tony Sparano undressed Belichik with the wildcat that one time

I can’t believe the Patriots went to all this trouble to beat the Dolphins.