
“Bill, did you know it was $14 for a draft in the club seats?”

“Bill, thoughts on the Syria situation?”

“Bill, thoughts on the whole Ihob thing?”

“Bill, how do feel about one person in the HOV lane?”

As my girlfriend says - at least it wasn’t touching illegal....

Yup, I see it....

My Man, L4AM sez that this cat reminds him of Marvin Gaye....I agree.

If my bestie was Dave Grohl - I wouldn’t care about huckin’ the homer back either. Pffffft.

Always a fav...

Now playing

An early, unvarnished look at a transcendent personality - that I don’t think realized how good he really was...

Ahem: Liz Taylor & Richard Burton Part II...

Because their Marketing Dept. can’t decide if the other option is pronounced: Jif or Gif...

Mixed with the tears of opponents...

Huh. Maybe Robert Meuller is making progress...

+1 Eeyore 

Or, roughly, 26 minutes longer than it takes to get your ass munched at a Bills tailgate party...

I gotta be honest - I’m not interested in colliding with anyone’s stool...