

Good one, my Brother!

Um, a Super Bowl?

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For what it’s worth, I was a hopeful commenter in the early days of Gawker. I migrated over to Deadspin and thoroughly enjoyed the absolute brilliance of the commentariat (and pre sold-out Drew).

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Oh, hey - here’s a cool song you can listen to, while you wait for your girlfriend to finish tribbing her roommate:

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And here’s a song/video we would actually watch, before fucking our girlfriends - you know, that thing you wish you could do - anyway, this always seemed to make their poohaa wet:

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Oy, here’s another song we would dance/listen to, when we weren’t eating our girlfriend’s pussy (this is a time before smart phones, for you “gamers”).

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Here you go - this is for you Low T Soy Boys, waiting for your skinny jeans to finish in the dryer, while you contemplate if you’re going weep, while your Dom girl, Frau Helga, pegs you into Sunday Morning:

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I hope y’all forgive me - I’m olds. But, I wanted to share my favorite song/video from back in the day...

RIP Kofi.

Never not awesome:

I was 16, it was awesome...

Breaking: Man mauls Panther.

I typically call in an expert:

Saw them live, back in the Stone Age.