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To me, the quintessential Christmas vid:

My Man!

Brown still not respectable: Charlie

Snobodan Milošević approves...

Swiss Mess.

Concussed Cain continues, categorically creates conundrum.

It’s after Thanksgiving - happy on line shopping and Merry Christmas!

“Blondie” (no, the other one).

Hoolio Hones Heartily Inhibits Heresy. Hopelessly Hunkers, Heartily Helps Hinder Helpful Homerun. Hohum....

Somewhere, John Kerry is furiously masterbating into his Harvard pennant....

Ha.ha. That’s funny ‘cuz people hate Boston and all the winning. You’re a cutting edge commenter. My sides, sew them up.

Station wagons...

Sooner Schooner ShowBoy Shows Semblance of Shock, Sans-Somnambulance, Showcases Sharp Sense of Shock, Shrilly!

Meyer’s staff noodled out that something was up, chicanery-wise, when they saw gallons of Flint tap water, on the opposing sideline....

As a community, I feel we could hug it out - into remission....

See: easy

Imagine learning English in this country: Hoolio Hones. Goolio Jones.