You can adjust the quarter stuff to a smoother transition that looks a lot more like when you play Rigs. I turned off the quarter turn into a smooth transition, and it’s so much more natural.
You can adjust the quarter stuff to a smoother transition that looks a lot more like when you play Rigs. I turned off the quarter turn into a smooth transition, and it’s so much more natural.
It’s remarkable. I cannot recommend it high enough. I’m actually considering getting a PS4 Pro just to see how much further it can be pushed (granted, what I’m playing on right now is by no means a slouch).
Considering PSVR has pretty much left Oculus and Vive in the dust, in terms of sales, I’d say you’re right.
Based on what I’m reading on people are having extremely positive experience with the game in VR, some going as far to say it’s finally the killer app that PSVR has been waiting for.
Agreed entirely. I do play my PS4 a healthy amount, but I commute daily on public transit so the Vita is my go-to for that time. My backlog is so thick it’s dizzying (but again, the Vita has no games).
Apparently /r/gaming is leaking into Kotaku.
No Uncharted 4?
Adults can do whatever they want. And they can enjoy some stereotypes in a well-crafted industrial Mario product. But don’t feed this shit to my kids.
Am I the only one who has been disappointed by all the boss battles so far, in that I’ve done so damn many side quests by the time I got to Aranea, she was barely a challenge at all.
Fuck Dino.
You’re probably right. PS5 can’t be much further off than Fall 2018 right?
Boyhood is The Emperor’s New Clothes of movies. If it weren’t for the “being shot over 14 years” thing, it’d be a movie where nothing happens for three hours. The big twist in that movie is that the decent child actor grows up to be a terrible adult actor.
Ok, nothing to do with the list, but what the hell is with the controller in that stock photo? That looks like a controller designed by someone who has seen other people play video games, but has never actually touched a controller themselves.
RE:R2 was easily the best RE game since RE4.
As someone who’s put in the majority of their time as Symmetra, I’m pissed that she never plays into the POTG highlights. I’ve had many games where my well-placed teleporter was the key to victory. I’m not saying just building one should be the highlight, but maybe for 15 seconds after someone teleports Symmetra…
If D.Va looked like Road Hog, then this would be a very different story.
Which is why if there’s anything I’ve learned from No Man’s Sky, it’s that No Man’s Sky 2 will be awesome.
I don’t understand, why was this statement so offensive? Or is this just the usual Gawker over-reactionary SJW shenanigans?
You know what would be awesome, and help with battery life? If I could put the app to sleep and it still counted towards my walking distance for eggs. Why the hell does the app have to be open? Don’t most modern phones have the ability to track how many steps you take in a day??
So wait, the mods are trying to satisfy Bethesda with a “Family Friendly” version of CBBE, because that’s what Bethesda is demanding for console gamers?