
Not really, but I think there's plenty of talented people in the industry outside Squeenix who can do something great with the series, since Squeenix isn't doing anything with it anyway.

It's a crime that Squeenix just let the Chrono series die. Cross wasn't really a true sequel, but still a great game. Trigger remains one of the greatest of all time. It's mind boggling to me that it hasn't gone anywhere, especially considering what some other companies (especially western developers) could do with

It's a crime that Squeenix just let the Chrono series die. Cross wasn't really a true sequel, but still a great game. Trigger remains one of the greatest of all time. It's mind boggling to me that it hasn't gone anywhere, especially considering what some other companies (especially western developers) could do with

It's worth it. I've already downloaded more free stuff for my ps4 and vita than the $50 I paid for the year would cover.

I just really hope they release a Vita version. Persona 4 Golden was such a perfect fit for handheld gaming, and cross-play ability would be invaluable when it comes time to dungeon crawl and level grind.

I travel for work, and this feature is amazing. I can play my games while I'm literally states away from my ps4. It's a highly underrated feature if anything, so stop hating a buy a Vita son!

I just calls 'um like I sees 'um. Let me take an educated guess stab at you...

How's that Xbone treating you Porco?

I think a lot do, but it's still fun to poke at one another and bicker. It's what we as gamers do!

As dumb as this sounds, sometimes I forget how heavily rooted in Japan Kotaku is.

I'm surprised you were able to type so well with one hand on the keyboard and the other on your Xbox controller.

No. Most people with this argument can't elaborate because they either A.) only own an Xbox and are trolls or B.) are so used to the CODs of the world where there are constantly things blowing up and flying at you in every direction while you soak up enemy fire that any game that doesn't allow you to take the role of

The Last of Us represents a sad state? How's the view from that rock you live under?

The vita version of Rainbow Moon owns my life right now. With the cross-play abilities and a sick sale for both copies to PS+ mebmbers, it's a perfect experience for RPG fans. Not as good Persona 4 obviously, but I've sunk 26 hours into it and plan on hitting at least 60.

10/10 would platinum.

My friend, you need to meet a little franchise called "Infamous." New Marais, the setting for Infamous 2, was an amazing rendition of New Orleans. The coming Infamous: Second Son is located in Seattle, and ho boy I can't wait.

Clearly they don't think they'll miss any of us. They'll just magically be around forever because you know, that's how business works in the free market.

I only ever wanted the Vita version of this. Squeenix, I swear to god if you canceled it I'm done. Years of not continuing the Chrono franchise, ramping the Final Fantasy series into a cluster of anime cliches, and ignoring any/all fan requests have driven you down to depths never thought possible. Quit wasting

Having these games actually highlights the strength of the vita. You can take console games on the go. As someone who commutes on trains for 8-10 hours a week, I love my vita for this and many other reasons.

Same. P4G was the perfect kind of experience I wanted on my Vita. Just level grinding and dungeon crawling for hours of downtime on the train and/or at work. Hopefully there is enough public demand for a Vita version they come out with it before too late (like 2016).