
I've beaten the first Leon chapter and am about halfway through the first Jake one. Does this game get better? So far it is cripplingly bad. It's so bad it hurts.

My commute would be a hojillion times better if they would make a US release of the Vita game. Or really any Vita games. Damn it we need more Vita games...

Thanks for the advice. I don't know though... Poor update systems and tedious file keeping? That doesn't sound like the Sony I know. (Sarcasm).

Thanks for the heads up. Sounds right though.

No it was live, but I think me and some other folks figured it out. The games can't be installed to your PS3, so you have to redownload the files. Hurrah for that working (as an early adopter I really do love my Vita) but boo for the tediousness Sony puts one through.

Thanks for the heads up. October 30th is sooooooooo far away!

God damn thing doesn't work.

Can we just get an official US release date already!? I'm sick of trying to platinum MGS2 HD on my Vita. It's way freaking hard!

That's much more Mass Effect than Star Wars. People give Star Wars waaaaaaay too much credit for being cooler aesthetically than it actually is.

Now playing

Learn some more from a Batman, this time how to cook!

Now the game's just going to feel like playing Nathan Drake in a mask.

There's plenty that looks and is good on the Vita my friend. On mine right now I have...

I will freely admit after I first beat ME3, I was one of the many (yes, it was not a vocal minority, there were tons of people who weren't satisfied by all the plot holes and lack of emotion in the original cuts of the ending who weren't openly expressing their opinion) folks who swore after ME3 that Bioward had

As if my name didn't give it away, the Chrono series holds a special place in my heart too. That special place being the majority of it.

Sadly it will only be your love interest if they're one of the members of the Normandy crew. I stuck with Miranda and she was nowhere to be found except in the flashbacks to what I assume are first the most interacted-with character (mine was Mordin) and follows up with your love interest (again, Miranda).

The entire digitally downloadable library of the PSP, yes. The PSOne classics will be the same way, but just not quite this moment. They said summer though so we can expect the Vita to run these games within the next few months.

Tech looks great and all, but another Squeenix game that stars a chick and has guns? Is it even possible for Japanese developers to come out with something with a strong male lead with a sword anymore? I know it sounds sexist at first but I'd rather play as Cloud/Squall/Tidus/Zidane/Crono over freaking Lightning any


The thing is Cross is a great game, but it's really not that much a sequel to Trigger. There's only a few things that tie the two together, but thematically they couldn't be more off.

Unlocking "New Game +" in Chrono Trigger. FTW.