
Great movie. Tell me that image doesn’t invoke nightmares..

You’re joking, right? This is the guy who claimed he invented the term “prime the pump.” How do expect him to be familiar with a movie quote when he has never heard the expression “prime the pump”? He also didn’t know that Lincoln belonged to the Republican Party and thought that no one else knew that as well. Shall I

tRump has already said he doesn’t watch movies. Never has. Doesn’t enjoy them. I simply do not trust someone who doesn’t like movies..

Christ...more ‘backstory’?? What next. Let me guess..there was also another young person who saw the same 2012 battle and it changed them as well. Just not for the better. And then they grew up to be one of SpiderBoy’s Villains! Yay!! Will it get it’s own prequel movie? It just never ever ends...


Agreed. And judging from the trailers this movie looks like a G-rated kiddie flick in the vein of an after school special or something on Nickelodeon.

I was there. And it was..

The studio (Alan Ladd) left Lucas alone and he created a masterpiece. If Disney had done then what they are doing today there never would have been a Star Wars.

It’s too bad that “Sherlock Holmes and the Vengeance of Dracula” was never made. It’s one helluva screenplay.

Back in the day this was Cool. It was everywhere. On Posters, Clothing, Stickers etc.....It Was EVERYWHERE:

If I am ever kidnapped, gagged, tied to a chair & seated in front of a tv playing “The Mummy”, will be the only way I will ever watch this movie.

“There was no… plan.” At least he had the guts to admit it publicly.

“Okay, so my client stabbed someone. What? And you’re so perfect?”

“Another Solid Gold Hit from the “I’ve Never Made A Mistake” Hall of Fame! I’m glad you’re such an upright human!”

Agreed. When someone says this, I think of that quote from “Micheal Clayton” when Tom Wilkinson says “..well then who are you?”

I’ve never heard of this show either. But did you notice that even its title is self pitying? I mean.. “Last Man Standing”? Give me a break, they are in the majority and still feel so persecuted. Oh the poor whittle babies feel so irrelevant. Make me puke. Good riddance.

I have another question. And the answer to mine will be the same answer for your question:

The main problem with “Prometheus” is that is had too much “Prometheus” in it. A somber “Chariots of the Gods” movie is just idiotic & boring (especially in the way it is handled in “Prometheus”). Putting it in the “Alien” universe is an even dumber move because they are 2 different things and they do not fit


Kendall Jenner has a career?