
Of course it’s bad. What did anyone really expect? “Chariots of the Gods” just sucks as movie material. Especially when you try and jam in the Alien Franchise. I wish someone with balls could tell Ridley: These. Two. Ideas. Do. Not. Mix. Period.

In order to beat this prick at the next election, I hope they read the names of all the people who have died from diseases that went untreated due to lack of affordable health care. If he still wins, then there is indeed no hope for this country.

I’ve met him & had the same experience. He was extremely nice & friendly.

I sat at a table with friends in an out of the way coffee shop about 10 yrs ago when one of my friends said in a hushed tone: “The guy over there at the next table is John Malkovich.” After a brief discussion, we all agreed to just ignore him and leave him be. About 45 minutes later (and after we had forgotten he was

I don’t get how people are defending her ‘silence’ with “ matter what she says she’s going to be criticized...” blah blah blah. Give me a break - she was paid a ton of cash to make that crap and she kept the money.

Clearly some super strong batch of narcissism potion was released into the water supply some years back and the EPA hasn’t been able to clean it up yet.

Gross. Just..gross.

A dog or wolf was chasing that deer. Look at the top right portion of the video and you can see the ‘dog’ as it gives up the pursuit when the deer collides with the man.

There is no more Virgin. They are Alaska airways now.

They don’t have to care. That’s the point. They only care about the bottom line, not the passenger. After years of airline mergers & acquisitions, there are simply fewer choices today when flying. That’s why a boycott would not succeed. That’s why they can change whatever they want. This is just a blip to them. And it

His wife was also on the plane.

Pepsi Boardroom: “Protesting is hot right now. We need to get into that.”

He lost that on the journey. But retained the delusions of grandeur & the evil.

My Money is on the most obvious explanation. It’s in his blood..

Other than being a western, the inclusion of Shane makes absolutely no sense in this movie. There are no parallels of theme, subject or meaning. None. And a limo driver & dementia? Really? This is how these characters end? Ugh.  

I’ve met her. Several times. She is really nice, sweet & down to earth.

We did this to ourselves. My god. So incredible. Thank you thank you thank you Mr. Scott. Wow. So brilliant. So creative. Nobody but you could up with something so clever. It’s not contrived at all. Not at all. It’s so believable. As believable as the crew of The Prometheus. Just wonderful.


He became President.

Now playing

In honor of this day, please see this below from the great Loudon Wainwright III. The song begins at 00:30. It’s one of my favorites. I’m in the grey, but I hope you will appreciate it nonetheless..