
Kevin Costner. I used to work at a place that hosted high profile events and I met many actors / ‘movie stars’. A great deal of them seemed to me to be completely shitty human beings (the stories I could tell). But Costner was not among them. He was down to earth, easy going and nice to everyone. He talked a lot about

“All I know is Fear based information!” I actually thought he was going to say “Trump made me do it!”.

Now that’s funny.

What invitation? There was no “Invitation”. That’s not in the movie. And the “chair”? What? So you don’t send someone through the next time with the chair. Problem solved. She never wanted it in the first place. Now we know why. Thank you for proving to everyone that you have no idea what you are talking about.

What invitation? There was no “Invitation”. That’s not in the movie. And the “chair”? What? So you don’t send someone through the next time with the chair. Problem solved. She never wanted it in the first place. Now we know why. Thank you for proving to everyone that you have no idea what you are talking about.

What? They spent TRILLIONS on this machine. They are holding WORLD WIDE HEARINGS to get to the bottom of what happened. You know how they could get to the bottom of what happened? Send other people through and see if they meet dear old dad. But wait, why am I speaking to a troll who hasn’t even seen the film? lol

They already built a second one. It’s there. In Japan. I assume collecting dust. It did not “fall”. What are you talking about? Oh wait..another person who didn’t even see the film. That explains it.

What? Did you even see the movie? What was preventing another person from going on the same journey? The machine is still there waiting to be used again and again...anytime they want. It’s not safe? How? You really didn’t see the film did you. That would actually explain your comment.

Step one is they get to see if we can follow instructions and we get to see that there is someone else out there. There will be more later when they decide we are up to it.

I wish I had more stars to give you. John Carpenter has said numerous times that this is the film that made him want to become a film maker. Plus the great Howard Hawkes not only produced it, but is also rumored to be the actual Director. If it were not for this movie, chances are movie like Alien would not even

Starman is one of Carpenter’s finest films. If not the best movie he’s made. Jeff Bridges was nominated for an Oscar for his role and deserved it. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it.

Simply Ugly.

Christ. How pathetic & sad is that..

They do indeed.

You got that right. I imagine a conversation with him would be all about him and nothing else. I’d rather stick needles in my eyes.

Yup. Crazy isn’t it?

That too..

Actually no. All I ever hear him say is “I’ve been told..”. I’m sure he’s said it & you are probably right about the banners. But whatever level he is at reading I am certain it is low-remedial.

Art Garfunkel’s song “Bright Eyes”from Watershed Down is a masterpiece.

The Night Stalker was one of the scariest films I had seen as a kid. God, how I loved that movie..