This sounds like it was done on purpose. Any normal interview about THQ would have gone under most people’s radars, yet here we are talking about this one.
This sounds like it was done on purpose. Any normal interview about THQ would have gone under most people’s radars, yet here we are talking about this one.
I really hope that this was a wedding gift or some equally awful circumstance.
In an unexpected & unintended way, cleverclogs.
This sounds like the work of the Phantom Thieves!
I mean... I really feel as though its “loose security” was at least partially intentional because they knew it would be a selling point that they couldn’t endorse from a legal standpoint /tinfoilhat
I’m actually kinda hoping some kind of story comes out of this, because she definitely needs help shaking that need to wear makeup at all times.
Oh my God yes, and Blizzard add a new arcade mode specifically for people who want to go “Balloon Hunting”. Meanwhile the chastised players will default to being balloons no matter what mode they try to pick, up until they’ve played as many matches as they broke conduct for.
Why would you use GeForce Now when you can use Steam in-home streaming if you have a primary gaming rig and a second slower PC or laptop? Genuine confusion.
I love your inquisitiveness, Jason. Keep up the good work.
And could have also single handedly killed the Switch, leaving it DoA. I’m happy with how things have turned out.
“The degree of improvement depends on how CPU versus GPU intensive the game being played is, with more GPU-intensive titles seeing a nicer jump.”
I can’t wait for Assassin’s Creed 8 to come out. I wasn’t overly fond of Call of Duty 13 and Battlefield 5 (technically also 8 or somesuch.)
I can’t wait for Assassin’s Creed 8 to come out. I wasn’t overly fond of Call of Duty 13 and Battlefield 5 (technically also 8 or somesuch.)
It also saves after speaking to him subsequent times, too. In these instances, he literally says “I have nothing for you. I will have nothing for you tomorrow, either. “
It was a mistranslation of the very first announcement regarding the Generations set. It was announced that there would be an EX Promo box of all 3 starters + Pikachu and the outlet who picked up the news and translated it spread some incredibly false information without actually reading what the announcement said.
The annoying thing is that when the title is eventually fixed, it won’t show the error up in the URL. Scouting Kotaku URLs for edits is like a small hobby for me.
“Metal Gear Solid V: Substanceless”